Apache Tomcat 7.0.0

Package org.apache.tomcat.util.net

Interface Summary
AbstractEndpoint.Handler Different types of socket states to react upon
AprEndpoint.Handler Bare bones interface used for socket processing.
JIoEndpoint.Handler Bare bones interface used for socket processing.
NioEndpoint.Handler Bare bones interface used for socket processing.
SecureNioChannel.ApplicationBufferHandler Callback interface to be able to expand buffers when buffer overflow exceptions happen
SSLSessionManager Defines an interface used to manage SSL sessions.

Class Summary
AprEndpoint APR tailored thread pool, providing the following services: Socket acceptor thread Socket poller thread Sendfile thread Worker threads pool When switching to Java 5, there's an opportunity to use the virtual machine's thread pool.
AprEndpoint.SendfileData SendfileData class.
JIoEndpoint Handle incoming TCP connections.
NioChannel Base class for a SocketChannel wrapper used by the endpoint.
NioEndpoint NIO tailored thread pool, providing the following services: Socket acceptor thread Socket poller thread Worker threads pool When switching to Java 5, there's an opportunity to use the virtual machine's thread pool.
NioEndpoint.SendfileData SendfileData class.
NioSelectorPool Thread safe non blocking selector pool
SecureNioChannel Implementation of a secure socket channel
ServerSocketFactory This class creates server sockets.
SocketProperties Properties that can be set in the <Connector> element in server.xml.
SSLSupport.CipherData Simple data class that represents the cipher being used, along with the corresponding effective key size.
URL URL is designed to provide public APIs for parsing and synthesizing Uniform Resource Locators as similar as possible to the APIs of java.net.URL, but without the ability to open a stream or connection.

Enum Summary
SocketStatus Someone, please change the enum name.

Apache Tomcat 7.0.0

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