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作者 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 [Re:BlurEyes]


发贴: 260
积分: 95
于 2003-09-19 11:19 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
加一个:PatternBox -设计模式模版插件

PatternBox is a design pattern editor for Eclipse. It creates Java classes and interfaces that can be customized depending on your application needs. Most approaches to that issue are wizard-dominated. This means you have to complete the whole design pattern instance at once. Using PatternBox you have freedom and flexibility to insert new pattern members whenever you want.

PatternBox offers a template based code generator. The generator makes intensive use of the Eclipse’s Java development tooling (JDT). An XML-based template mechanism makes it also possible to define your own code templates. The current plug-in version includes 11 design patterns of the Gang of Four (GoF). The pending design patterns templates will be supplied later. If you want to contribute additional design pattern templates or code templates send them to Check the template files validity with the supplied DTDs.

Be tough!

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
13337 我的Eclipse的常备插件。 scottding 261 2003-09-16 10:23
11321 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 davidself 220 2003-09-16 10:31
10994 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 yanwj 31 2003-09-16 11:17
11569 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 donnan 1089 2003-09-17 17:33
10971 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 BlurEyes 32 2003-09-18 11:01
11026 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 youlq 1049 2003-09-19 11:19
10737 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 scottding 110 2003-09-29 11:31
11153 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 richardluopeng 6 2003-09-18 11:43
10986 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 hwx 52 2003-09-18 13:59
10741 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 scottding 293 2003-09-29 11:33
11308 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 donnan 60 2003-09-18 17:49
10754 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 hwx 42 2003-09-19 13:53
11228 Re:我的Eclipse的常备插件。 kingwzb 7 2003-10-13 12:54

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