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作者 Yes! It works! [Re:scottlai]



发贴: 5644
积分: 454
于 2002-09-03 05:22 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
v. 1.10
* General
- Significantly improved memory handling.
* Code Analyzer
- Added ability to disable code analysis for files being debugged.
* Improved Smart.Selection抯 Expand Selection and Narrow Selection actions
* Smart.Templates maintenance improvements (see the Editor Options |
Productivity! | Smart.Templates page, the Edit Template Definition Dialog
and the Edit Template Field Definition Dialog)
- Added ability to import built-in JBuilder templates.
- Added ability to copy a template to another scope.
- Added ability to reset one or more templates to the definitions shipped
  with Productivity!.
- Added ability to paste the clipboard content to the template code with
  optional fields discovering and indent removal.
- Added ability to easy insert known fields to the template code.
- Added ability to easy insert functions to the fields?expressions.
- Added ability to inline template fields.
* Improved JavaDoc statements generation by Smart.JavaDoc tool.
* Fixed improper handling of IDL files.
* Fixed Emacs key map conflict that prevents proper usage of the Ctrl+X
* Added integration with JadClassFileNode so there is ability to see decompiled
  class source for classes stored in Jar using Jar structure view (JadClassFileNode
  v.1.20 is required)
* Lots of minor improvements and defect fixes.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
8705 Productivity! Pro v.1.10 released! JADClassFileNode v.1.20 released! scottlai 24 2002-09-03 04:24
7673 回复: Productivity! Pro v.1.10 released! JADClassFileNode v.1.20 released! rainman 86 2002-09-03 05:14
7642 Yes! It works! rainman 1456 2002-09-03 05:22
7063 回复: Productivity! Pro v.1.10 released! JADClassFileNode v.1.20 released! stone7 34 2002-09-03 10:31
7034 回复: Productivity! Pro v.1.10 released! JADClassFileNode v.1.20 released! stone7 19 2002-09-03 10:57
7780 回复: Productivity! Pro v.1.10 released! JADClassFileNode v.1.20 released! chaor 141 2002-09-10 15:26
8068 回复: Productivity! Pro v.1.10 released! JADClassFileNode v.1.20 released! chaor 51 2002-09-10 15:28

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