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作者 Oracle Form Server中的JavaBean引用,X509证书的分发问题?

发贴: 216
积分: 80
于 2003-11-19 11:30 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
需要在Oracle Forms Server 6i Application中调用JavaBean,所用的JavaBean采用PJC技术,如果JavaBean要访问客户本地资源,作为Applet,只能在sendbox中运行,如果要放开权限,就需要签名的JavaBean,就需要在客户端作如下操作(一个例子):
cd \program files\oracle\jinitiator
cd bin
javakey -c PJC true
cd \downloadedJavaBeans\GetClientInfo\misc\
javakey -ic PJC PJC.x509

作者 Re:Oracle Form Server中的JavaBean引用,X509证书的分发问题? [Re:robinhoodx]

发贴: 70
积分: 20
于 2003-11-25 11:35 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list

作者 Re:Oracle Form Server中的JavaBean引用,X509证书的分发问题? [Re:robinhoodx]

发贴: 70
积分: 20
于 2003-12-11 16:50 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
这一段看了看文档,对于这个问题,有解决的办法,有一些faq可能对大家的疑惑有点用途,希望对大家有所用,看来,大家研究oracle的不是很多,我也是客串,对于JInitiator 1.3 以上版本有用!


Some of the more common questions about JAR file signing for Forms are
covered in this section.

Can I use the Forms certificate to sign my own JAR files?

No, the private key of the Forms certificate is not distributed.
Can I re-sign the Forms JAR files with my own Certificate?
You can re-sign all of the Forms JAR Files except f90all_jinit.jar, which is a
specially compressed version of f90all.jar. You will have to re-apply your signing
whenever you upgrade or patch Forms.

Do I need to create a different signing identity for each of my JAR files?

No, you can use a single identity to sign multiple JAR files.

If my clients upgrade their JInitiator version, will they have to re-import my custom
Yes. Each install of JInitiator has its own keystore. After an upgrade, the new
version of JInitiator will prompt the user again to trust the self signing identity.
Is there a way that I can embed my certificates into the installable version of JInitiator,

before making it available to my clients for download?
There is no in-built mechanism within JInitiator or the Java Plug-in to do this.
However, it is possible to “wrap” the JInitiator installation executable inside
another installer script that first installs JInitiator and then imports your certificates
using the keytool –import command.

Do I have to use a certificate from a Certificate Authority to sign my files?
No. Using a certificate from a Certificate Authority will establish a chain of trust
for your signed code, but it is not a requirement.

Can a JAR file be signed with more than one certificate?
No, a JAR can only be signed with a single certificate.

Does the information in this document apply if I am using JInitiator 1.3 with Forms 6i?
Yes. The information in this document is specific to the JInitiator version not the
Forms version.
The process of signing custom code in JAR files to allow access outside of the Java
Applet “sandbox” is simple to carry out, with tools that are readily available.
With the advent of JInitiator 1.3 the deployment of certificates for self signed JAR
files becomes essentially automatic, requiring only a minimum of user interaction
to achieve, opening the door to the deployment of systems with a much wider
range of functionality at no additional deployment cost.

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