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作者 Introduction to netfilter/iptables


发贴: 754
积分: 113
于 2002-12-09 13:11 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
The netfilter/iptables is the IP packet filtering system that is integrated with the latest 2.4.x versions of the Linux kernel. This system facilitates greater control over IP packet filtering and firewall configuration on Linux systems, be they systems connected to the Internet or a LAN, servers, or proxy servers interfacing between a LAN and the Internet. Mugdha Vairagade provides an introduction to the netfilter/iptables system, how it works, its advantages, installing and configuring, and how to use it to configure firewalls on Linux systems to filter IP packets.

menzy edited on 2003-02-18 08:31

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
11171 Introduction to netfilter/iptables menzy 638 2002-12-09 13:11

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