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作者 All that JAAS


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积分: 113
于 2002-12-09 13:08 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Scalable Java security with JAAS

JAAS, the Java Authentication and Authorization Service API, provides flexible and scalable mechanisms for securing your client- and server-side Java applications. Where earlier Java security frameworks focused on protecting the user from mobile code, based on the code's origins and who created it, JAAS protects the system from users, based on who runs the code and their permissions. This pluggable, stackable API lets you incorporate standard security mechanisms like Solaris NIS (Network Information Services), Windows NT, LDAP (lightweight access directory protocol), Kerberos, and others into your application in a consistent, configurable way. This article first introduces you to the core elements of JAAS authentication. It then shows you how to develop your own custom login modules, using both command-line- and JSP (JavaServer Page)-based examples that authenticate against user records stored in a JDBC (Java Database Connectivity)-compatible RDBMS (relational database management system). (3,600 words; September 13, 2002)

menzy edited on 2003-02-18 08:31

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
10102 All that JAAS menzy 1150 2002-12-09 13:08

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