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作者 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? [Re:nothing]

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于 2003-07-13 06:02 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list

public class MMM
static private MessageDigest msgDigest;

// if an algorithm does not exist, let caller to handle the NoSuchAlgorithmException
// because this class has no knowledge about how to handle it
public MMM(String alg)
throws NoSuchAlgorithmException
msgDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance(alg);

// or you can catch it if you believe it will never happen
public MMM()
msgDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
catch(NoSuchAlgorithmException e)

public String calcHexDigest(String msg)
return bytes2hex(msgDigest.digest(msg.getBytes()));

public String bytes2hex(byte[] bytes)
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(bytes.length * 2);
for(int pos = 0; pos < bytes.length; pos++)
int n = bytes[pos] & 0xFF;
buf.append(halfByte2hex((n >> 4) & 0xF));
buf.append(halfByte2hex(n & 0xF));
return buf.toString();

public char halfByte2hex(int n) // ensure: 0 <= n <= 15
return (char)(n > 9 ? 'A' + n - 10 : '0' + n);

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
11635 还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? nothing 1434 2003-07-11 00:01
9596 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? menzy 99 2003-07-11 18:32
9980 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? nothing 18 2003-07-11 18:51
9446 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? floater 456 2003-07-11 22:23
9936 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? nothing 61 2003-07-11 23:08
9427 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? floater 273 2003-07-12 02:30
9352 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? nov1 1289 2003-07-13 06:02
9904 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? nothing 32 2003-07-13 12:29
9456 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? TopCool 6 2003-07-18 11:10
11869 Re:还可不可以再改进完善一下这个md5程序?? floater 132 2003-07-19 00:39

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