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作者 Re:请教:如何在websphere4.0.3环境上使用第三方JCE Provider [Re:cckoan]

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于 2003-03-08 11:45 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Grant Permission

Grant the permission to jce1_2_2.jar. The should be granted to the JCE 1.2.2 framework (jce1_2_2.jar). Edit the java.policy file in x:\jre_installdir\lib\security and add this statement:
grant codeBase "file:///D:\JCE1.2.2\lib\jce1_2_2.jar" {

Grant the permission to sunjce_provider.jar. The following permissions should be granted to the SunJCE provider (and other JCE providers if you are using another vendor’s implementation): to read the sunjce_provider.jar file
java.lang.RuntimePermission to get class protection domains to put (set) provider properties
Edit the java.policy file in x:\jre_installdir\lib\security and add this statement:

grant codeBase "file:///D:\JCE1.2.2\lib\sunjce_provider.jar" {
"D:\JCE1.2.2\lib\sunjce_provider.jar", "read";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission

Register JCE provider

Register the Sun JCE provider, which you can do either statically or dynamically:

Static registration

Add the Sun JCE provider to your list of approved providers by editing the security properties file in x:\jre_installdir\lib\security\. The file should have a statement for each provider to be registered statically. Each such statement declares a provider and specifies its preference order n, which is the order in which providers are searched for requested algorithms when no specific provider is requested. Preference order 1 is the most preferred, followed by 2, and so on.

In the JRE for WAS 4.03, Sun, IBMJCE, and IBM JSSE have already been configured as static providers:

These three security providers may have implemented the algorithms you need. Therefore, you may not need another security provider for your applications. These three security providers are needed for the WebSphere Test Environment. Do not replace or remove these three lines, or the WebSphere Test Environment may fail to start up properly.

To configure other providers, follow those three security providers with other lines of the proper format, replacing the class name with the fully qualified master class name you obtain from the provider vendor, and entering the priority that you want to assign to the provider. For example, to configure Sun JCE as your #4 preferred provider, add the following line to the file after the line for the Sun provider:


Dynamic registration

To register the SunJCE provider dynamically, add the following lines of code at the beginning of your program:

new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE());

The above code will add the Sun JCE provider as the last-approved security provider in the security registry. Since different providers may implement the same algorithms, if the Sun JCE provider is the last one in the preference order, and no specific provider is requested, the Sun JCE provider may not be picked as the service provider for algorithms that are also implemented by other providers. Therefore, you may want to add the Sun JCE provider as the first one in the approved list by using this code:

new com.sun.crypto.provider.SunJCE(),1);

Add jar files to classpath

you also need to add jce1_2_2.jar and sunjce_provider.jar into the classpath of the server instance


人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
18912 请教:如何在websphere4.0.3环境上使用第三方JCE Provider cckoan 132 2003-01-13 10:25
14820 Re:请教:如何在websphere4.0.3环境上使用第三方JCE Provider menzy 90 2003-01-15 08:49
14772 Re:请教:如何在websphere4.0.3环境上使用第三方JCE Provider cckoan 173 2003-01-15 09:01
15821 Re:请教:如何在websphere4.0.3环境上使用第三方JCE Provider mydownload128 3878 2003-03-08 11:45

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