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作者 what does "out-of-the-box" mean?

发贴: 216
于 2003-04-03 21:19 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
I ever saw this kind of cool word very often while I was studying Rational's CASE tools.
There was no explanation in ciba and so I looked it up on google.'s explanation:


Ideas that do not conform to conventional industry methods or practices. It is a phrase used in business to imply the need to think more creatively or to "develop a new angle." For example, "C'mon people, we keep marketing this product in the same way with no real results; we've got to get out-of-the-box on this one."

its synonym:

the grid

a.k.a. grid -or- off the grid -or- on the grid

The network of electrical power lines from which power companies buy electricity. Modern usage of this term suggests a desire to be independent from grid-transmitted electricity (including water lines, sewer mains, and supermarkets). Meaning many people, disillusioned with western civilization's dependence upon all things consumable, are reverting back to windmills, solar power, and other forms of homegrown energy, to promote self-reliance in an effort to get "off the grid."

Its meaning has extended to a few other uses, including not wanting to be "in the system" (for example, not wanting to give out your social security number to anyone and everyone). In another sense, "going off the grid" is an expression for creativity, similar to "thinking outside the box."

I also fouind that a guy, who works for rational china, ever made a big mistake on it while translating a popular book on Clearcase & SCM. obviously he was also not willing to make an effort to present us a good translated book. so just trust ourselves and work hard on improving our english together.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
14751 what does "out-of-the-box" mean? robinhoodx 1695 2003-04-03 21:19
11241 Re:what does "out-of-the-box" mean? floater 1187 2003-04-04 01:49
12722 Re:what does "out-of-the-box" mean? yuhuang 288 2003-04-04 09:50

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