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作者 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? [Re:woodworm]


发贴: 801
于 2005-08-28 12:07 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
woodworm wrote:
You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt

That is just a funny way to say "You now have a lot of knowledge in your knowledge base.

Under your belt, the belt is probably original from Karate (空手道) or Taekwondo (跆拳道), when your Karate or Taekwondo level is up, you have different color of belt. Black is the highest. When you get more skills under your belt, you will be promoted to the next level (color) sooner.

gongshi edited on 2005-08-30 18:01

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
34365 You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? woodworm 325 2005-08-28 11:17
31949 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? ranchgirl 464 2005-08-28 12:07
30339 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? ww1ww1 341 2005-08-29 23:53
31926 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? ranchgirl 253 2005-08-30 18:08
30142 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? why 386 2005-08-30 23:54
31796 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? ranchgirl 186 2005-08-31 11:14
30476 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? bainiao 33 2005-09-08 17:24
30203 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? ranchgirl 180 2005-09-09 13:50
30392 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? clearwater 27 2005-10-07 07:50
32183 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? furenqiang 23 2005-10-12 11:50
31370 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? billyao 16 2006-01-09 11:27
21626 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? yeafee 69 2008-06-05 14:39
23153 Re:You now have a lot of knowledge under your belt什么意思? rbible 35 2008-08-24 17:53

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