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作者 Java ServerFace ----Could you meet our needs in China ?


发贴: 322
于 2004-05-13 10:50 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list

Judging from the job advertisements in employment web sites, there are currently
two popular techniques for developing web applications.
• The “rapid development” style, using a visual development environment
tied to a proprietary back end. A typical example is Microsoft ASP.NET.
• The “hard-core coding” style, writing lots of code to support a high-performance
back end. A typical example is the Java 2 Enterprise Edition
As we write this book, development teams face a difficult choice. J2EE is an
attractive platform. It is highly scalable. It is portable to multiple platforms. It is
supported by many vendors. On the other hand, ASP.NET makes it easy to create
attractive user interfaces without tedious programming. Of course, programmers
want both: a high-performance back end and easy user-interface
The promise of JavaServer Faces is to bring rapid user-interface development
to server-side Java.

"Core JSF"的前言让大家看到了不仅是我们,而且还有Sun也在认识到与Asp.net在"Server Face"上的差距。在基于B/S应用越来越流行的今天,客户对B/S的Face也要求越来越高。我甚至听说有 一种“小日本“的外包B/S软件界面跟C/S相差无几,让人茫然意识到"Delphi,"这种作C/S的RAD是否跟那群程序员是否一同穷途末路了。
可能JSF的出现会使thin-client的开发得以减轻,但是国内行业的要求也“颇高“,要即使B/S,而且必须是rich-client的,看来JSF也无法满足china --localization的要求呀!!!
偶然听说java web start可以满足这点,我还没西看过,不过在今天99.9%的windows用户的中国,这个能不能行的通还未定。。

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
4036 Java ServerFace ----Could you meet our needs in China ? haibo 1362 2004-05-13 10:50
3236 Re:Java ServerFace ----Could you meet our needs in China ? Jove 841 2004-05-13 11:44
3137 Re:Java ServerFace ----Could you meet our needs in China ? floater 290 2004-05-13 22:10
3027 Re:Java ServerFace ----Could you meet our needs in China ? 笨笨龙骑士 391 2004-05-16 14:03
3237 Re:Java ServerFace ----Could you meet our needs in China ? 鸡肋男 20 2004-05-16 15:20

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