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该话题已被移动 - wishmaster , 2003-07-03 07:27
作者 Morphon XML-Editor 3.1 now free of charge


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于 2003-07-01 21:36 user profilesend a private message to userreply to postsearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
From JavaLobby

Morphon Technologies is pleased to announce the release of the Morphon XML-Editor 3.1. This version of the Morphon XML-Editor is free to use.

What has changed in version 3.1:


+ Use of the latest Xerces2 XML parser. This enhances W3C XML Schema support.

+ Support for Scripting. Using the Scripting Plugin you have total control over the editor using Javascript or Beanshell or any other language supported by the Apache BSF.

+ Full CSS Counter support including nested counters.


+ It's free!.

What is the Morphon XML-Editor suite?

The Morphon XML-Editor is a WYSIWYG Word processor-like validating XML-Editor that lets you easily create and modify XML documents. Morphon also provides a CSS editor for use as a styling language. The Editor itself is multi-platform as it is written in Java. It supports industry-standard XML, adhering to a customer-defined data models, defined using either a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema.

Some key features of the Morphon XML-Editor

+ Support DTD, XML Schemas grammar and namepaces.
+ Tables (CSS and CALS).
+ Editable source view.
+ Spell checker.
+ Printing.
+ Mac OS menu bar.
+ Auto saving of your files.
+ Support for scripting.
+ Various plugin APIs for developers
+ Supports Java Webstart.

Morphon XML-Editor supports standard internet protocols and file transfer interfaces, including WebDAV, FTP, and HTTP, which allows it to be easily used in conjunction with the leading XML content repositories.

Why is the Morphon XML-Editor now available under a free software license?

The Morphon XML-Editor is now being offered under a free license, there are no strings attached. Morphon Technologies would like to increase the user base of the Morphon XML-Editor. Having a larger and varied user base will help us understand better the future needs of our users.

Morphon Technologies has shifted focus to helping companies and organizations to integrate the XML capabilities into their products and applications. This will be accomplished by a combination of licensing the Morphon Components, writing custom plug-ins to the standard editor for integration with third party products, providing development services, and by providing support for organizations that deploy solutions using Morphon.

Morphon Components:

The powerful features of the Morphon XML-Editor and Morphon CSS-Editor are also available as separate components that can be licensed for integration into your own Java(tm) applications. Using Morphon components you can offer seamless integration of XML and CSS editing capabilities to your customers.

Morphon Plug-ins:

Using the API provided for the standard Morphon XML-Editor, developers can write plug-ins to integrate Morphon's XML capabilities into their Java Applications. Example plugins are provided and can be downloaded in the developer sections of the site.

Further information or technical questions:

Please contact for license enquiries, development and support contracts, pricing information, and full terms of usage.

Please contact for all technical enquiries.

作者 Re:Morphon XML-Editor 3.1 now free of charge [Re:hawker]

发贴: 31
于 2003-09-28 12:29 user profilesend a private message to userreply to postsearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list

作者 Re:Morphon XML-Editor 3.1 now free of charge [Re:hawker]

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于 2003-10-22 14:43 user profilesend a private message to userreply to postsearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list

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