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该话题已被移动 - tzutolin , 2005-12-13 14:29
作者 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log [Re:rainman]


发贴: 942
于 2003-02-07 07:32 user profilesend a private message to usersend email to wishmasterreply to postsearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
I used this log viewer to view webMethods Integration Server startup log file, the following is what I saw using this viewer:
00041A [B2BSERV.0063.0011] Start
00041B [B2BSERV.0028.0012] WmRoot: Startup service (wm.server.soap:init)
00041C [B2BSERV.0028.0012] WmPublic: Startup service (pub.ldap:init)
00041D [B2BSERV.0028.0012] WmDB: Startup service (wm.server.db:startup)
00041E [B2BSERV.0028.0012] MQSeries: Startup service (wm.MQSeries.MQSeriesAdmin:startup)
00041F [B2BSERV.0028.0012] WmEJB: Startup service (wm.ejb.MyIM:startup)
000420 [B2BSERV.0028.0012] WmEWS: Startup service (pub.setup:setPackageAcls)
000421 [B2BSERV.0028.0012] WmEWS: Startup service (pub.setup:startup)
000422 [B2BSERV.0070.0017] HTTPListener@5555 started
000423 [B2BSERV.0025.0005] Port Manager started
000424 [B2BSERV.0053.0001] Setting KeepAlive Timeout to 15000 ms
000425 [B2BSERV.0053.0001] Setting KeepAlive Timeout to 15000 ms
000426 [B2BSERV.0025.0013] Cache Sweeper started
000427 [B2BSERV.0025.0016] Config File Directory Saved
000428 [B2BSERV.0014.0002] Initialization complete.
000429 ----------- 2003-02-06 15:13:29 PST

BUT, the log file is about 80K. Why am I getting only a few lines? Can you figure this out???
Thanks a lot.

The WishMaster
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人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
16999 [精华] 小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log rainman 50 2002-12-12 13:02
13207 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log rainman 25 2002-12-12 13:07
13222 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log ditty 89 2003-01-16 17:26
12813 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log rainman 11 2003-01-17 00:02
12769 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log rainman 9 2003-01-17 02:04
13155 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log ditty 6 2003-01-17 08:38
12741 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log wishmaster 1255 2003-02-07 07:32
13500 Re:小软件——看应用服务器上输出的Log rainman 12 2003-02-07 09:53

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