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作者 新的opensource portalServer

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于 2004-08-30 10:42 user profilesend a private message to userreply to postsearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list


100% JSR 168 Portlet API compliant
Portlet API implementation nearly fully compatible with IBM's WebSphere® 4.2.
Support for the easy development and integration of "third-party portlets"
Higher-level model for building complex portlets using visual beans and the GridSphere User Interface (UI) tag library.
Flexible XML based portal presentation description can be easily modified to create customized portal layouts.
Built-in support for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) separating users into guests, users, admins and super users.
Sophisticated portlet service model that allows for creation of "user services", where service methods can be limited according to user rights.
Persistence of data provided using Hibernate for RDBMS database support
Integrated Junit/Cactus unit tests for complete server side testing of portlet services including the generation of test reports.
GridSphere core portlets offer base functionality including login, logout, user and access control management.
Localization support in the Portlet API implementation and GridSphere core portlets support English, French, German, Czech, Polish, Hungarian and Italian.
Open-source and 100% free! Smile

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