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作者 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? [Re:tungchan]

Life is good

发贴: 127
积分: 52
于 2003-12-20 07:44 user profilesend a private message to usersend email to jsmilesearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
First of all, I don't want to argue with you. I am just lost, in terms of your definition of success.
Success only makes sense within certain period of time and reasonable scope.
For example, there are ten holdings in one investment portfolio. The holdings could be stocks, bonds, etc… A couple stocks may lose money in a period of time but the value of portfolio may increase because the other securities perform well. And next month, the whole composite might go down. What do you think of this case, success of failure? Please don’t say that every investor is a loser.

A sofeware company can't make money by only depending on OOA, OOD or OOM, which is not a cure all. That's why there are CEO, CTO and CFO (They are very important).

What kind of statistics are you based on? And what speed are you expecting?
軍事項目之成功是 ...

What about Iraq?
原來軟件工程想保證成功,可以進入科研或軍事項目,Linux 與 Open Source 之類,其成功原因就是科研項目。

Who will pay the bills for me? Opne source is a success? So far, maybe.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
17184 物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? tungchan 933 2003-12-19 02:33
15292 软件工程要如何才能保证成功? tungchan 624 2003-12-20 06:26
15302 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? nothing 0 2003-12-20 06:31
15276 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? tungchan 147 2003-12-20 06:42
15326 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? nothing 183 2003-12-20 14:53
15151 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? floater 2540 2004-01-09 09:38
15336 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? jsmile 1772 2004-01-09 13:01
15148 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? tungchan 933 2004-01-10 04:01
15333 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? jsmile 1528 2004-01-10 07:27
16324 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? lslzf 44 2004-02-05 22:24
15464 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? jsmile 1145 2003-12-20 07:44
15280 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? tungchan 618 2003-12-20 14:44
15187 程序並不是軟件 tungchan 813 2003-12-23 16:53
15208 軟件工程的成敗,真的只能依靠運氣嗎? tungchan 1178 2003-12-23 19:26
15510 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? wood 153 2003-12-29 11:13
15270 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? tungchan 334 2004-01-02 19:41
15159 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? tungchan 456 2004-01-03 21:00
15163 Re:物件導向語言之出現,為何沒有為軟件工程帶來成功呢? floater 813 2004-01-04 01:48
15190 要如何以软件工程致富? tungchan 553 2004-01-09 05:05

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