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作者 JSP 最佳实践:组合 JavaBean 组件和 JSP 技术


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JSP 最佳实践:组合 JavaBean 组件和 JSP 技术

使用 JavaBean 和 JSP 参数在 Web 页面之间传递数据
Brett McLaughlin(
作家,O'Reilly and Associates
2003 年 7 月

Web 架构设计师 Brett McLaughlin 演示了 JavaBean 组件和 JSP 技术的结合如何使您能够在 Web 页面之间存储并传递数据,以及这样做如何能实现更为动态的站点设计。
到目前为止,我们在 JSP 最佳实践 系列文章中着重讨论的都是较为基本的主题。在前两篇文章中,您学习了如何使用 JSP include 机制来将外部内容引入到您的网站或 Web 应用程序。我们使用了两种不同的 include 伪指令:静态 include 命令和动态 jsp:include 标记。

迄今为止,还无需创建父页面(在我们的示例中是一个网站主页面)和所包含内容之间的任何类型的通信。但是这种方案过于简单。当要对实际 Web 站点或 Web 应用程序接口进行编程时,您通常需要一种通信机制在父页面和所包含文件之间传递数据。例如,您的网站可能有一个标题或消息是源自主页面的,并需要将它提供给页面头或页面尾。在这篇文章中,您将学习如何在页面之间传递数据,以及如何在所包含的页面中使用该数据。

注:本系列文章中的所有最佳实践都基于 JavaServer Pages 技术。要运行其中任何一个实践示例,需要在本地机器或测试服务器上安装符合 JSP 技术的 Web 容器。您还需要使用文本编辑器或 IDE 来对 JSP 页面进行编码。

用于存储数据的 JavaBean 组件
让我们研究一下这样一个网站:其中的每个页面都有简短的“标语”(比如“Books: A shelf full of learning”或“CDs: Music worth listening to”)和标题。父页面(有时叫做主页面)确定了每个页面的标语,而页面头(包含的页面)要处理 HTML 以输出该标语。为使该方案工作,主页面必须能够将标语传递到页面头,而且页面头必须能够接受页标题并按请求显示它。

首先我们需要某种用于存储被传递数据的对象。碰巧的是(并非偶然)JavaBean 组件既适合该目的又与 JSP 技术非常匹配。bean 只需要用取值方法(accessor)和赋值方法(mutator)来处理数据。您可能从其它 Java 编程经历中得知,get() 是个取值方法,因为它访问数据,而 set() 是个赋值方法,因为它修改数据。

清单 1 显示了我们所需的那种 bean 的代码。PageHeaderInfo bean 包含了有关网站页面头的信息。

清单 1. PageHeaderInfo JavaBean



public class PageHeaderInfo implements Serializable {

/** The title of the page */
private String pageTitle;

/** The slogan of the page */
private String pageSlogan;

public String getPageTitle() {
return pageTitle;

public void setPageTitle(String pageTitle) {
this.pageTitle = pageTitle;

public String getPageSlogan() {
return pageSlogan;

public void setPageSlogan(String pageSlogan) {
this.pageSlogan = pageSlogan;

对于第一个练习,请将该文件保存为,然后对它进行编译。接下来,将得到的类文件 PageHeaderInfo.class 放入 Web 应用程序的 WEB-INF/classes 目录。请确保包括了包层次结构,但是可随意更改包名。这个已编译类的示例路径如下:


可以使用类似于此的路径使该类可被 Web 应用程序中的 servlet、JSP 页面和其它类使用。如果到目前为止您按照描述的那样执行了所有步骤,那么现在可以将数据填充到 PageHeaderInfo bean 中,然后在各个 JSP 页面中检索它。

在我们的网站方案中,页面头包含了将各个标语传递给不同页面的代码。您可能记得前一篇文章中提过,页面头(header.jsp)是个包含的文件,由 jsp:include 元素管理。因为我们使用的是动态 jsp:include 标记而非静态 include 伪指令,因此很容易将数据传递到页面头。jsp:param 元素提供了这项功能,可以将该元素嵌套在 jsp:include 元素中。清单 2 演示了如何使用这些元素将数据传递给站点主页面的 header.jsp 文件。

清单 2. 在 JSP 页面之间传递数据

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link href="/styles/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<jsp:include page="header.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="pageTitle" value=""/>
<jsp:param name="pageSlogan"
value="Java and XML :: Turning theory into practice" />
<%@ include file="/navigation.jsp" %>
<jsp:include page="bookshelf.jsp" flush="true" />

<jsp:include page="/mt-blogs/index.jsp" flush="true" />

<%@ include file="/footer.jsp" %>


您或许已经注意到:设置用于传递数据的页面时实际上不必使用 JavaBean 组件,因为 bean 只用于接收数据。但是我总是先对 bean 进行编码,这是有道理的。JSP 参数名必须与 JavaBean 特性名相匹配,先对 bean 进行编码确保了您在对 JSP 页面进行编码时能正确设置这些参数名。

对 JSP 参数和 JavaBean 特性进行编码并且将数据传递给 header.jsp 页面之后,该页面可以开始接收数据了。清单 3 显示了 header.jsp 页面。其中大部分代码是 HTML,但是请务必注意 JSP 语句,在您研究了代码之后我将对此进行说明。

清单 3. 将数据传递给其它 JSP 页面

<!-- Begin header section -->
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
<jsp:useBean id="pageHeaderInfo"
<jsp:setProperty name="pageHeaderInfo" property="*" />

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="91" height="50" align="right" valign="top"
bgcolor="#330066"><font color="#FFFFFF"><img
width="90" height="60"></font></td>
<td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top"
bgcolor="#000000"><table width="100%" height="60" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="261" rowspan="2"><img
src="/images/header-title.gif" width="261" height="60"></td>
<td class="pagetitle" width="249" height="55" align="right"
valign="bottom"><jsp:getProperty name="pageHeaderInfo"
<td width="10" height="55"> </td>
<td height="5"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="1"
<td height="5"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="1"
<td width="141" bgcolor="#000000">
<font color="#FFFFFF"> </font>
<!-- End header section -->

第一段代码将该页面标识为 JSP 页面,然后声明该页面需要访问 PageHeaderInfo bean,这是通过使用 jsp:useBean 标记实现的。id 为 JSP 页面可以使用的 bean 设置了一个别名,class 是 bean 的全限定 Java 类名。jsp:useBean 标记中嵌套的是 jsp:setProperty 标记,它指定了该 bean(由其别名标识)应当使用任何请求数据设置所有可用的特性。这意味着对于 bean 中的每个特性(例如 pageTitle 和 pageSlogan),都要有一个匹配的请求参数。这些请求参数可以来自使用 Web 浏览器的客户机,也可以来自包含此 JSP 页面的其它页面。在本例中,仅有的请求数据就是由父页面创建的。对于我们的示例站点而言,主页面(index.jsp)发送 pageTitle 和 pageSlogan,它们分别被设置成“”和“Java and XML: Turning theory into practice”。

填充了 bean 的特性值之后,该页就可以使用此数据了。对于 header.jsp,这个用法是通过使用 jsp:getProperty 标记在该页面的下方完成的。jsp:getProperty 带有一个 name 参数(标识从哪个对象获取数据)和一个 property 参数(指定应当轮询该对象的哪个特性)。然后将该特性的值插入到页面的输出,接下来将该输出插入到父页面,结果产生了一个无缝的动态页面标语。就这么简单,您可以在 JSP 页面之间传递数据了!您可以将任意多的 bean 添加到 JSP 页面中,每个 bean 都可以有无限多的特性,连最复杂的请求数据都能满足。

每个开发人员最烦的就是进行更改。恰恰当您按照希望的方式对 bean 进行编码,正确地设置了所有特性,并且 JSP 页面准备使用它们时,您的应用程序或站点需求却发生变化,就似乎不可避免地要进行更改。如果这些更改要求添加新特性(它们通常会如此),那么您必须编辑 JavaBean 源代码,重新编译它,并确保 JSP 可以访问这个新的 bean 类。但是在某些情况下,您或许什么都不用做。如果您的页面正在存储和接收不再使用的特性(也就是说,您不再指向给定的页面组件,即使它仍然存在于站点目录中),您或许可以让代码保留原样。事实上,我就碰到了这种情况!

我个人 Web 页面的 header.jsp 页面以前常常输出 HTML 站点的页面头。以前,该页面引入标题以便在页面的 head 的 title 元素中使用它。但是后来我对此做了更改,不再使用页面头 JSP 页面中的页标题。但是我不必费心地将 pageTitle 特性从 PageHeaderInfo bean 中除去;事实上,我甚至没有从大多数将该标题发送给头页面的 JSP 页面中除去 jsp:param 元素。我认为不值得花功夫去做,而且我知道让这些数据留在那也没什么坏处(再说我将来有一天可能还会需要它!)。因此,如果发现您的情况一样,请别紧张 - 将时间花在添加很酷的新功能比花在摆弄这种琐事上要有趣的多。

一旦您熟悉了在 JSP 页面之间传递数据,就请亲自尝试编写一些有用的 JavaBean 代码,并看看是否可以在自己的站点上使它们运行。通过摆弄这些 bean 以及 jsp:useBean、jsp:param 和 jsp:get/setProperty 构造,您应当能搞出一些很酷的东西!在下一篇“最佳实践”文章中,我将说明使用 JSP 为您的主站点引入外部内容的另一种方法。JSTL 标记模仿了友好的 include 标记,并且为 JSP 添加了更多的灵活性和功能。在那之前请好好读一下这些文章,到时候咱们网上见。

作者 JSP best practices: Combine JavaBeans components and JSP technology [Re:palatum]


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于 2003-07-26 23:23 user profilesend a private message to usersend email to palatumsearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
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JSP best practices: Combine JavaBeans components and JSP technology

Use JavaBeans and JSP parameters to pass data around your Web pages
Level: Introductory
Brett McLaughlin (
Author, O'Reilly and Associates
May 13, 2003

Web architect Brett McLaughlin demonstrates how combining JavaBeans components and JSP technology lets you store and pass data between your Web pages, and how doing so leads to more dynamic site design.
So far in the JSP best practices series we've focused on rather elementary topics. In the previous two installments, you learned how to use the JSP include mechanism to pull in outside content for your Web site or Web application. We used two different types of include directive: the static include command and the dynamic jsp:include tag.

Up until now, there has been no need to create any kind of communication between the parent page (a Web site main page in our example) and included content. But this scenario is overly simplistic. When it comes to programming a real Web site or Web application interface, you will generally require a communication mechanism to pass data between the parent page and included files. For example, your Web site might have a title or message that originates in the main page and needs to be supplied to a header or footer page. In this installment, you'll learn how to pass data from one page to another, and then how to use that data in included pages.

Note: All of the best practices in this series are based on JavaServer Pages technology. To run any of them, you'll need to set up a JSP technology-compliant Web container, either on your local machine or on a test server. You'll also need to use a text editor or IDE to code your JSP pages.

A JavaBean component for storing data
Let's consider a Web site where each page has a short "slogan" (such as "Books: A shelf full of learning" or "CDs: Music worth listening to") and a title. The parent page (sometimes called a master page) determines the slogan for each page, but the header, an included page, deals with the HTML to output that slogan. To make this scenario work, the master page has to be able to pass the slogan into the header, and the header has to be able to accept a page title and display it on request.

The first thing we need is some sort of object to store the data being passed around. It just so happens (not by accident) that JavaBeans components are both suitable for this purpose and a perfect match for JSP technology. The bean simply needs to have accessor and mutator methods to handle the data. As you may know from your other Java programming experience, get() is an accessor method, because it accesses data, and set() is a mutator method, because it mutates, or changes, data.

Listing 1 shows the code for the type of bean that we need. The PageHeaderInfo bean contains information about the page header for a Web site.

Listing 1. The PageHeaderInfo JavaBean



public class PageHeaderInfo implements Serializable {

/** The title of the page */
private String pageTitle;

/** The slogan of the page */
private String pageSlogan;

public String getPageTitle() {
return pageTitle;

public void setPageTitle(String pageTitle) {
this.pageTitle = pageTitle;

public String getPageSlogan() {
return pageSlogan;

public void setPageSlogan(String pageSlogan) {
this.pageSlogan = pageSlogan;

For our first exercise, save this file as and then compile it. Next, put the resultant class file, PageHeaderInfo.class, into your Web application's WEB-INF/classes directory. Be sure to include the package hierarchy, but feel free to change the package name. An example path to this compiled class is:


You can use a path like this to make the class available to servlets, JSP pages, and other classes in your Web application. If you've followed the steps so far, you're now ready to populate the data in the PageHeaderInfo bean and then retrieve it in your various JSP pages.

Passing stored data
In our Web site scenario, the page header contains the code to pass various slogans to different pages. As you'll recall from the previous installment, the header (header.jsp) is an included file, managed by the jsp:include element. Because we've used the dynamic jsp:include tag, and not the static include directive, passing data into the header is easy. The jsp:param element provides this capability, and it can be nested within a jsp:include element. Listing 2 shows how these elements would be used to pass data into the header.jsp file for a site's main page.

Listing 2. Passing data between JSP pages

<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<link href="/styles/default.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

<jsp:include page="header.jsp" flush="true">
<jsp:param name="pageTitle" value=""/>
<jsp:param name="pageSlogan"
value="Java and XML :: Turning theory into practice" />
<%@ include file="/navigation.jsp" %>
<jsp:include page="bookshelf.jsp" flush="true" />

<jsp:include page="/mt-blogs/index.jsp" flush="true" />

<%@ include file="/footer.jsp" %>

As you can see, the title is passed in as a slogan.

You've probably noted that you don't actually have to have your JavaBean component available when you set up the page for passing data, because the bean is used only for receiving the data. I always code my bean first, however, and for a very good reason. The JSP parameter names must match the JavaBean property names, and coding the bean first ensures that you set these parameter names properly when coding your JSP page.

Receiving data
With your JSP parameters and JavaBean properties coded, and data being passed into the header.jsp page, the page can begin receiving data. Listing 3 shows the header.jsp page. Most of it is HTML, but be sure to notice the JSP statements, which I'll explain after you've studied the code.

Listing 3. Passing data to other JSP pages

<!-- Begin header section -->
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html" %>
<jsp:useBean id="pageHeaderInfo"
<jsp:setProperty name="pageHeaderInfo" property="*" />

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="91" height="50" align="right" valign="top"
bgcolor="#330066"><font color="#FFFFFF"><img
width="90" height="60"></font></td>
<td colspan="3" align="left" valign="top"
bgcolor="#000000"><table width="100%" height="60" border="0"
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td width="261" rowspan="2"><img
src="/images/header-title.gif" width="261" height="60"></td>
<td class="pagetitle" width="249" height="55" align="right"
valign="bottom"><jsp:getProperty name="pageHeaderInfo"
<td width="10" height="55"> </td>
<td height="5"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="1"
<td height="5"><img src="/images/spacer.gif" width="1"
<td width="141" bgcolor="#000000">
<font color="#FFFFFF"> </font>
<!-- End header section -->

The first bit of code identifies the page as a JSP page, and then states that the page needs to access the PageHeaderInfo bean, which is accomplished using the jsp:useBean tag. id sets an alias for the bean that the JSP page can use, and class is the fully qualified Java class name of the bean. Nested within that tag is the jsp:setProperty tag, which specifies that the bean (identified by its alias) should have all available properties set using any request data. This means that for every property in the bean (for example, pageTitle and pageSlogan), a matching request parameter is looked for. These request parameters can come from a client using a Web browser, as well as from other pages that include this JSP page. In this case, the only request data is that created by the parent page. For our example site, the main page (index.jsp) sends pageTitle and pageSlogan, which are set to "" and "Java and XML: Turning theory into practice," respectively.

After the bean's property values have been filled, the page can use that data. In the case of header.jsp, this use occurs further down in the page, and is done using the jsp:getProperty tag. jsp:getProperty takes a name parameter, identifying the object to get data from, and a property parameter, specifying which property of that object should be polled. The value of the property is then inserted into the output of the page, which in turn is inserted into the parent page, resulting in a seamless, dynamic page slogan. And, as simple as that, you're passing data around your JSP pages! You can add as many beans as you want to a JSP page, and each bean can have an unlimited number of properties, accommodating even the most complex request data.

Managing change
Change is every developer's greatest annoyance. It seems inevitable that just when you get your beans coded the way you want them, with all of your properties set and in place and your JSP pages ready to use them, your application or site requirements will change. If the changes call for the addition of a new property (which they often will), you'll have to edit your JavaBean source code, recompile it, and ensure that your JSPs have access to the new bean class. In some cases, however, you may be able to get away with doing nothing. If your pages are storing and receiving properties that are no longer in use (that is, you've ceased to point to a given page component, even though it still exists in the site directory), you may be able to leave the code just as it is. In fact, this happened to me!

The header.jsp page for my personal Web page used to output the head of my HTML site. Once upon a time, this page pulled in a title to use in the title element in the head of my pages. I later changed that, however, and I no longer use the page title in the header JSP page. But I didn't bother to remove the pageTitle property from my PageHeaderInfo bean; in fact, I didn't even remove the jsp:param element from most of the JSP pages that sent the title to the header page. I figured it wasn't worth the effort, and I knew no harm would result from leaving the data there (plus I may need it again one day!). So, if you find yourself in the same situation, don't sweat it -- it's much more fun to spend time adding cool new features than toying with this sort of minutia.

Till next time
Once you're comfortable passing data between your JSP pages, try coding some useful JavaBeans of your own and see if you can get them running on your site. By playing with these beans, along with the jsp:useBean, jsp:param, and jsp:get/setProperty constructs, you should be able to make some cool stuff happen! For the next best practice, I'll show you yet another way to use JSP to bring in external content for your master site. JSTL tags mimic our friendly include tags, and add even more flexibility and capability to JSP. Until then, study up, and I'll see you online.

作者 Re:JSP 最佳实践:组合 JavaBean 组件和 JSP 技术 [Re:palatum]

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