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作者 Re:发现一点点问题。 [Re:gnome]

Java Jedi


发贴: 3233
积分: 421
于 2003-02-20 23:24 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
gnome wrote:

I agree that the http server and app server should set in different layers(different machines), like http-->app server-->db 3 different machines/layers(firewalls in between).

I had several cases already, everytime I downloaded the file and renamed it only in english.

rainman, when a user appends some file, could you do something right away, rather than later when another user tries to download, because it could be too late to do so since those nasty chars are already in there. Do it before it gets in.

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
- Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
10045 发现一点点问题。 scottding 96 2003-02-20 17:07
7639 Re:发现一点点问题。 rainman 74 2003-02-20 17:43
7748 Re:发现一点点问题。 rainman 232 2003-02-20 17:55
8107 Re:发现一点点问题。 scottding 12 2003-02-20 20:00
7590 Re:发现一点点问题。 gnome 224 2003-02-20 21:57
7787 Re:发现一点点问题。 floater 776 2003-02-20 23:24
7683 Re:发现一点点问题。 rainman 272 2003-02-21 01:53
7673 Re:发现一点点问题。 rainman 105 2003-02-21 05:24
7932 Re:发现一点点问题。 rainman 603 2003-02-25 07:13
8200 Re:发现一点点问题。 scottding 9 2003-02-21 09:17
7652 Re:发现一点点问题。 rainman 125 2003-02-25 07:05

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