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» Spring Framework
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作者 | A Tutorial on Spring & iBATIS [精华] |
Java Jedi 总版主 发贴: 3233 积分: 421 |
于 2004-11-18 06:21
There are still things left, as mentioned in the doc, such as JTA testing(span across 2 different types of databases). This is pretty much I do for Spring in this year. Hopefully, next year we could come up something for Spring core and remoting. Spring and iBATIS notes 0.3.pdf (178.93k)
floater edited on 2005-05-04 21:49
"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code |
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