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» Spring Framework
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作者 | A tutorial for Spring Web [精华] |
Java Jedi 总版主 发贴: 3233 积分: 421 |
于 2004-07-03 04:04
This document is intended for mid-level above J2EE developers to jump start Spring MVC web component. You should be able to run web apps by yourself. 1. written in english, since I am good at typing in chinese. 2. each example shows some point, but is small and independent, just concentrate on that point. 3. views(velocity, tapestry, etc) and css are excluded. 4. all src code are included completely, since I am afraid new comers would get lost. They are all tested and run as expected. Let me know how you think. This should cover most of the web stuff, next time we'll shoot for database part. Spring Web Framework 0.4.PDF (597.78k)
floater edited on 2004-07-27 04:42
"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand." - Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code |
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