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作者 大家来看看英国大学的计算机作业,帮忙解答一下,非常感谢

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于 2004-04-21 20:38 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
A Concept Mapping Tool
Concept Maps are a diagrammatic means of presenting the important concepts of a domain and their relationships.

A number of tools already exist that provide help with the construction of concept maps (or their relatives 'Mind Maps'). Unfortunately these are either commercial, available only for particular platforms (eg the Mactintosh) or are big and unwieldy.

I require a light-weight cross-platform open-source concept mapping tool that will allow the user to generate concept maps with embedded links that can be exported as HTML pages and used for educational (or other) purposes.

2.1 More on Concept Maps
A concept map represents a domain of knowledge as a collection of concepts and the relationships between them. A picture here will almost certainly be worth more than a thousand words of explanation. So refer to a concept map explaining concept maps developed with the help of IHMC Concept Map Tool (one of the 'big and unwieldy systems' referred to above).

This may be found at:

There is a central resource about concept maps maintained at the University of York.

As you can see concepts and links are labelled and have various properties such as the font used, the type of box enclosing the label, whether a link has arrows or not etc.

The IHMC toolset is directed at constructing concept maps which can be published to the Web and worked on collaboratively. This is the reason for it's size and complexity.

From an abstract point of view a concept map can be considered as a sort of (mathematical) graph. A graph consists of nodes (also known as vertices) and edges between the nodes. Edges can be directed or undirected. Concepts are nodes and the links between concepts are associations. However a a concept map is allowed to have branching links.

2.2 Requirements
Users must be able to:
Create and edit concept maps.

This will require the user be able to place concept map elements on a design area and drag them about as needed. It should be possible to edit the properties of these objects and have the visible representation change in accordance.

Save and load concept maps.

Export a concept map either as a web page or for printing.
2.3 GUI Ideas
I envisage a standard sort of GUI with a main design area where the user can construct the map, with perhaps a side bar of shapes etc that could be chosen for use in the design area. You may be able to get inspiration from the IHMC toolMoon.

There would also be a toolbar and menus allowing for saving/loading/exporting concept maps.

3 Task
Your task for this first assignment is as follows.
Inital Design
Produce an initial high level architecture for the tool.

Produce an initial class diagram capturing the domain. Take care to distinguish between domain, file handling (I/O) and the user interface.

Write one or two use cases (as you deem appropriate) that capture essential behaviour relating to the domain of the required tool.

In conjunction with your initial class diagram and use-cases decide on appropriate distribution of responsibilities between your domain classes. Does this stage of the design throw up the need for other classes not uncovered in your initial analysis? Draw sequence diagrams as needed.

Familiarise yourself with the jgraph library.

Assess the suitability of the jgraph library for the implementation of the UI for this tool. How well will it fit with the class structure of your initial design?

Suggest how a concept map might be stored on disc and loaded from disc.

Draw a GUI mock-up indicating how you envisage the application
Provide a statechart or user interface flow diagram to show how the UI would work.

You should use Together (or a similar tool) to express your design using such UML diagrams as you consider necessary.
4 Deliverables and Marking Scheme
Inital Design (35 marks available)
An initial class diagram showing your domain analysis.s(5)
Your use-caseMoon.s(5)
Sequence diagrams showing how you would implement your use caseMoon with the help of your domain objects.s(7)
A revised class diagram incorporating methods as shown on your sequence diagramMoon and with any extra classes you discovered to be necessary after your use case analysis.s(3)
A sketch of your proposed GUI together with statecharts or user interface flow diagram indicating it's functionality.s(7)
An assessment (approx 3 pages) of the suitability jgraph library/framework for this project.sMusical Note

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
6621 大家来看看英国大学的计算机作业,帮忙解答一下,非常感谢 liu_yan007 4611 2004-04-21 20:38
4910 re 笨笨龙骑士 8 2004-04-25 03:35
5602 Re:大家来看看英国大学的计算机作业,帮忙解答一下,非常感谢 whisperwind 27 2004-05-14 16:53

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