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作者 Re:UML建模与数据库设计的问题 [Re:p96114]

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于 2003-03-03 01:15 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
This is an O/R mapping like questions.
There are five strategies you can adopt :

1.Top-down: Start with an existing JavaBeans object model, develop a mapping that maps those objects to tables in your database, generate DDL to create your database, and then use a persistance API to persist those objects to that database.

2.Bottom-up: Start with an existing database schema, describe your database schema using using XML or some other meta-data representation, generate your JavaBeans object model, optionally add business logic to those objects, and use a persistence API to store and retrieve your objects.

3.Middle-out: Start with a meta-data description of your object model, generate your JavaBeans object model, generate DDL to create your dataBase, and use a persistence API to store and retrieve your objects.

4.Meet-in-the-middle: Start with an existing database schema and an existing JavaBeans object model, develop a mapping to map between the two, and use a persistence API to store and retrieve your objects.

5.Generic-object: Start with a meta-data description of your desired database schema, generate DDL to create your database, and use a persistence API to store and retrieve generic data objects, with values stored as a hash of name-value pairs, to and from your database.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
7094 UML建模与数据库设计的问题 p96114 92 2003-02-27 21:16
6694 Re:UML建模与数据库设计的问题 fly2fire 45 2003-02-28 09:22
6038 Re:UML建模与数据库设计的问题 p96114 47 2003-02-28 09:27
6127 Re:UML建模与数据库设计的问题 floater 20 2003-03-01 05:12
6000 Re:UML建模与数据库设计的问题 frenzieddragon 80 2003-03-03 12:15
6458 Re:UML建模与数据库设计的问题 chaos 1309 2003-03-03 01:15
7175 Re:UML建模与数据库设计的问题 HenryYu 85 2003-03-04 09:32

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