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作者 IOC和Dependency Injection

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于 2004-10-26 00:40 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
最近网上这两个名词出现频率很高,于是抱着学习的态度读了Martin Flower的大作以及一些相关的文章,将心得与大家分享。

其实IOC模式并不是什么新的东西,它是一种很普遍的概念(或者说结构),GoF中的Template Method 就是IOC的结构。顾名思义,IOC即控制反转。著名的好莱坞原则:“Don’t Call us, We will call you”,以及Robert C. Martin在其敏捷软件开发中所描述的依赖倒置原则(Dependency Inversion Principle, DIP)都是这一思想的体现。Dependency Injection是Martin Flower对IOC模式的一种扩展的解释,下面我们从一个简单的实例开始。


public class Button {
  private Lamp lnkLamp;
  public void poll() {
显然,我违反了“高层模块不应该依赖于底层模块,两者都应该依赖于抽象;抽象不应该依赖于具体实现,细节应该依赖于抽象” 这一原则(DIP原则)。

这样,我们倒置了Button对Lamp的依赖关系,使得Lamp依赖于SwitchableDevice接口,SwitchableDevice并没有依赖于Button类,任何知道如何操纵该接口的对象都可以控制Lamp。同时Button不只是可以控制Lamp,还可以控制同样实现SwitchableDevice接口的如Computer、Cell Phone等等。回头想想,这种做法好像似曾相识,拍拍脑袋,哦!这不是GoF策略(Strategy)模式吗?!正是,不经意间我就应用了设计模式(有点得意哦~~~~)。
现在再来考虑一个问题,刚才的做法虽然倒置了依赖关系,但是如果将Button作为一个应用程序来控制Lamp或者同样实现SwitchableDevice的Computer、Cell Phone等,则代码可能如下:
public class Button {
private SwitchableDevice lnkLamp;
public Button(){
lnkLamp= new Lamp();

为了解除这种依赖关系,首先看GoF能作些什么。显然,这个地方应该用Factory模式,将对象的创建交给Factory Class来处理,这样虽然解开了Lamp组件与我们应用程序Button之间的耦合关系,但是组件的创建仍然是显式的(explicitly),在组件更改时仍需要重新编译。
另外,通过一个ServiceLocator去look up实现类也是一种解除耦合的办法,看到这儿,你不禁会想EJB不就是这么实现的嘛,U are Right! Rod Johnson 在其大作J2EE without EJB中称这种方式为Dependency Look up,但这种方式也有其弊端,比如无法脱离容器环境,以及不利于Unit test等。
“Don’t Call us, We will Call you”,这个原则启示我们应该换一个思路,不应该在应用类中创建具体对象的实例,而是应该将具体对象实例的创建插入(plug)或者说注射(inject)到应用类中,这大概是依赖注射名称的由来吧。

下面我们看一下具体的实现,在PicoContainer以及Spring中有着其不同的实现,分别代表了两种类型的Dependency Injection, 即Constructor Injection 和Setter Injection。
private MutablePicoContainer configureContainer() {
MutablePicoContainer pico = new DefaultPicoContainer();
pico.registerComponentImplementation(SwitchableDevice.class, Lamp.class);
return pico;
Spring则通过一个XML格式的配置文件,将两者联系起来,使用时,通过ApplicationContext获得Button Bean,再调用其方法实现,同样也消除了耦合关系。



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作者 Re:IOC和Dependency Injection [Re:hesanxu512]

Soul of New Machine

发贴: 593
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于 2004-10-26 00:57 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
hesanxu512 wrote:
some code missing?

★☆ The Truth Lies Somewhere In The Middle ☆★ 
作者 Re:IOC和Dependency Injection [Re:hesanxu512]

Java Jedi


发贴: 3233
积分: 421
于 2004-10-26 01:08 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Good article.

There are more and more articles on IoC. I would like to see something now to say the weakness of IoC. Nothing is perfect, so IoC has something wrong too. Time to explore the sweetspots now, Tounge.

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
- Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code
作者 Re:IOC和Dependency Injection [Re:hesanxu512]


发贴: 1228
积分: 194
于 2004-10-26 12:23 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
另,blog的URL应该是 作者好像笔误写错了

作者 Re:IOC和Dependency Injection [Re:hesanxu512]

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于 2004-10-26 12:51 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list

作者 Re:IOC和Dependency Injection [Re:hesanxu512]

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于 2004-10-26 19:38 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
相对于IoC,DIP反映的是更广泛的一种设计原则,即针对抽象编程,在OO中的体现是针对Interface/Abstract BaseClass编程,在Generics中是针对Parameterized Type编程,分别对应一系列设计技巧和模式。

而IOC更关注Dependency Injection,当然前提是你要基于抽象编程,即遵从DIP原则。




作者 Re:IOC和Dependency Injection [Re:hesanxu512]

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于 2004-10-26 22:11 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
不过我好像并没有否认DIP是更为普遍和广泛的原则,只是以DIP原则引出了Dependency Injection,基本上也说明了两者的差异之处。大家多多讨论,共同进步Smile

作者 Re:IOC和Dependency Injection [Re:hesanxu512]

Java Jedi


发贴: 3233
积分: 421
于 2004-10-27 01:26 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
1. yes, manage those xml files are becoming an issue as size gets larger. So we have Spring IDE eclipse plugin and JBuilder plugin from one of our moderators here. As we have more experience, the tools will get mature too. I would like to see a tool close to visio, probably built on top of jgraph, we can drag beans, write properties and the tool would write the xml files for us.

2. IoC does not necessarily introduce dependencies, we can still programatically hardcode the dependencies without IoC, this is the beauty of it, it doesn't force us to do anything, it only provides convenience for us. In one of my projects, I have to do it in both ways in order to run in different environments, it works fine.

3. I wouldn't worry about the security in the code. We have to trust the system. If the config file is compromised, probably others are compromised too. However, this is a valid concern, definitely.

One thing I like this article is that this one ties the conection between IoC and design principles(a quick chinese reference is Yan's Java and patterns). I've waiting for this in chinese for a long time. When we talk about design patterns, we should tie them to the underlying principles; when we do coding, we should follow these principles. I want to see a chinese book talking about a combination of design principles, design patterns, dependency and stability, give the logic chain of deduction, describe the consequences of various options/scenarios. Blindly copying and single-minded thinking are not quite understandable for others. For example, Yan's Java and patterns has both design principles and patterns, but doesn't put both together in a logical chain. I went to javaeye and jaction sites last night, went through some of the posts there, some folks can't get the dao pattern right, they took care of one thing and broke 5 others. That's not good. An DAO interface is setting in the middle between databases and business layers, simple and easy. Not quite, DAOs belong to the business layer, and interact with database layer. Folks should understand why and then design DAOs(It's just that DIP, and others). (Rod's book has just one line on this. When I saw that line, I laughed, he put that line somewhere and expected readers can pick it up without any further explanation, no way, I know myself I am igorant sometimes).

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
- Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code

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