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作者 Re:0积分的人需要某本书,而有积分的人回答 do search here,这样的回答?! [Re:mapleroad]

Java Jedi


发贴: 3233
积分: 421
于 2003-03-25 02:02 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
It's probably from me. But my answer to your question(this question) is still "do search here". Here are my reasons, and see whether they are convincing.

1. search is the fastest way to get an answer. If you have something uncomfortable, it's likely others have too.
2. If you do a search, you may find others' postings. If you pay a little bit close attention, you may find most of the folks who complained somehow got points already(then they just shut up and move on, Big Smile. Yack!). So most of the time, the complaints are due to the unfamiliarity of this bbs, or general bbs.
3. There are more ways to get a credit than just uploading books, etc. In fact, uploading is the worst economic way to do so, in my view. You may read a book and write a review(I think this is the best way overall, and for beginners.). You may answer questions from your expertise, etc. Don't say you are a beginner and so you can't get a point, so was I and likely I am now.. This is not the reason because there are a lot of things a beginner can do.
4. Give the open access is not feasible for the time being. The reasons were discussed many times before. Bandwidth, security, safety, space, etc. Beside, the ftp opens to public from time to time, like March 15, etc. And if you really need anything in a real urgent fasion, you could ask around. There were cases like this before.
5. I came here just like you come here now. I like this site, but only upload books once, not because I wanted that first point, but because I thinks the books I loaded are good and others could benefit from them. I don't even know how I got other points(really don't matter much, what matters is I enjoy this site and am charmed by the folks here.).

That's the meaning of "do search here" in this bbs or elsewhere. Hope it helps in the long run.

"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."
- Martin Fowler, Refactoring - Improving the Design of Existing Code

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
4250 0积分的人需要某本书,而有积分的人回答 do search here,这样的回答?! mapleroad 90 2003-03-21 08:57
3408 Re:0积分的人需要某本书,而有积分的人回答 do search here,这样的回答?! Big Blue 37 2003-03-21 09:06
3470 Re:0积分的人需要某本书,而有积分的人回答 do search here,这样的回答?! floater 1819 2003-03-25 02:02

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