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作者 这句sql该怎么写?(取出最近发布的n条记录)


发贴: 43
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于 2006-09-20 15:27 user profilesend a private message to usersend email to Jason_herosearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list


{ you have been here for quite a while, I think you should know that such a SQL question should not be posted in Java基础, and a better subject line would be required.
Please be warned that I may remove (instead of redirecting) your next inappropiate post on Java基础. I'm serious. }

why edited on 2006-09-20 18:44

作者 Re:这句sql该怎么写? [Re:Jason_hero]


发贴: 736
积分: 61
于 2006-09-20 16:12 user profilesend a private message to usersend email to JiafanZhousearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Use sql to retrieve the data from DB and display the message to user via servlets or JSP..

Is that a good solution?


When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realized that The Lord doesn't work that way, so I stole one and asked him to forgive me.
作者 Re:这句sql该怎么写?(取出最近发布的n条记录) [Re:Jason_hero]



发贴: 4629
积分: 388
于 2006-09-20 18:28 user profilesend a private message to usersend email to whysearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Which database(s)? (please do speciify when you're asking DB/SQL questions.)

Do you have the database schema (table definitions)?
Do you expect us tio guess how your 会员发布产品信息表 is like?
会员id 信息 createdDate status(i.e. active or not)

Could you use views?
Could you update the a flag in table when you insert a 信息 for a 会员?

If you want plain SQL, I'm using MS SQL syntax now and assume the field names to be userid, message, createdDate, and status

-- specify N
select top N t1.userid, t1.message, t1.createdDate
from 产品信息表 t1
inner join (select userid, max(createdDate) latestDate from 产品信息表 where status='A' group by userid) t2
on t1.userid = t2.userid and t1.createdDate = t2.latestDate
order by t1.createdDate desc

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