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作者 防民之口,甚于防川


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于 2005-04-01 08:56 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
不知道有多少人用Sybase ,不过看了这则新闻,恐怕不会舒服。
Sybase to Security Researchers: Stay Quiet or We'll Sue
By Dennis Fisher and Lisa Vaas
March 22, 2005   

Sybase has threatened legal action against a security research firm if it releases details of vulnerabilities it found last year in Sybase's Adaptive Server Enterprise product, even though Sybase already has issued patches for the flaws.

Such threats of legal action are not unprecedented, but they typically come in the form of phone calls from vendors, not letters from lawyers, researchers say.

NGS Software Ltd. found eight buffer-overrun and denial-of-service vulnerabilities in Sybase ASE 12.5.3 in 2004 and subsequently notified the company of the problems. Sybase Inc., based in Dublin, Calif., released an updated version of the software earlier this year and alerted customers that they should upgrade to the latest version.

NGSS, based in Surrey, England, follows a self-imposed policy of not releasing specific details of any vulnerabilities it finds until after a vendor has either fixed the problem or has had ample time to do so and has decided not to release a patch, usually three months.

The company had planned to release the details of the Sybase flaws on Monday, but that idea was scuttled when NGSS received a letter from Sybase's legal department informing NGSS that it would be subject to legal action if the company went ahead with its plans to publish the details.

David Litchfield, a research scientist and one of the founders of NGSS, told that the crux of the matter involves the license agreement for the Developer Edition of Sybase ASE, which reads, in part: "Results of benchmark or other performance tests run on the program may not be disclosed to any third party without Sybase's prior written consent." Special Report: Database Security

According to Litchfield, Sybase's letter states that, due to the license agreement clause, the company will consider it a "material breach" if NGSS publishes details on the security flaws.

Sybase is thus equating NGSS' work of finding security bugs as being the same as benchmarking and performance testing—a unique interpretation, at least in the history of NGSS.

"It's shocking," said NGSS researcher Mark Litchfield—David Litchfield's brother—in an interview with "If you take at least the past eight years, we've never had a response like this. The typical response [from vendors] is favorable.

"They'll let us know when a patch has come in, we'll test it, they'll put an advisory out, we'll put an advisory out, they'll say, 'Come here to download the patch,' and at that point we'll release an advisory saying there's a vulnerability and this is where you can get the patch."

NGSS' working relationship with Sybase has been "excellent" up to now, Mark Litchfield said. "This is unprecedented for a vendor and for us, and we've dealt with IBM, Microsoft [Corp.], Oracle [Corp.], all the big ones," he said. "This is completely new for us."

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7070 防民之口,甚于防川 menzy 3024 2005-04-01 08:56

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