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作者 Re:高级问题,能者请进!! (一个java源文件,如何通过语法分析,得到其所有的方法和类? / antlr) [Re:llpdhcasc]

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于 2003-09-02 14:34 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
4.14 How does JavaCC differ from standard LL(1) parsing?
Well first off JavaCC is more flexible. It lets you use multiple token lookahead, syntactic lookahead, and semantic lookahead. If you don't use these features, you'll find that JavaCC is only subtly different from LL(1) parsing; it does not calculate "follow sets"in the standard way - in fact it can't as JavaCC has no idea what your starting nonterminal will be.

这是什么意思呀?他和LL(1)的Follow Sets有什么区别呀?

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
7229 高级问题,能者请进!! (一个java源文件,如何通过语法分析,得到其所有的方法和类? / antlr) llpdhcasc 35 2003-09-01 10:08
6111 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! dog72 34 2003-09-01 10:16
6768 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! ditty 40 2003-09-01 10:27
6111 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! dog72 16 2003-09-01 10:47
6340 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! llpdhcasc 44 2003-09-01 12:22
6066 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! dog72 124 2003-09-01 15:36
6249 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! jameszhang 168 2003-09-01 15:42
6116 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! floater 398 2003-09-02 01:50
6256 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! jameszhang 289 2003-09-02 10:31
6232 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! llpdhcasc 30 2003-09-02 15:50
6067 Re:高级问题,能者请进!!! yjwang 169 2003-09-02 17:12
6015 Re:高级问题,能者请进!! (一个java源文件,如何通过语法分析,得到其所有的方法和类? / antlr) dog72 9 2003-09-02 09:43
6234 Re:高级问题,能者请进!! (一个java源文件,如何通过语法分析,得到其所有的方法和类? / antlr) emarket 141 2003-09-02 14:11
6042 Re:高级问题,能者请进!! (一个java源文件,如何通过语法分析,得到其所有的方法和类? / antlr) dog72 462 2003-09-02 14:34
6067 Re:高级问题,能者请进!! (一个java源文件,如何通过语法分析,得到其所有的方法和类? / antlr) dog72 51 2003-09-02 16:52

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