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作者 SCJP考题中的陷阱 [精华]

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于 2003-05-17 21:07 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
SCJP考题中的陷阱 原著 Ajith Kallambella [from:chinajavaworld]
(1) Two public classes in the same file. (illegal)
(2) Main method calling a non-static method. (illegal)
在main(String[] args)方法内调用一个非静态方法。(非法)
(3) Methods with the same name as the constructor(s). (这种题常有)
(4) Thread initiation with classes that do not have a run() method. (常考之题
(5) Local inner classes trying to access non-final vars. (illegal)
(6) Case statements with values out of permissible range. (byte,int, short,
(7) Math class being an option for immutable classes !! (totally wrong!)
Math类作为不可改变类。(完全错误) (请提意见)
(8) instanceOf is not same as instanceof.
instanceOf 不是 instanceof。
(9) Private constructors. (legal)
私有 的Constructor。 (合法)
(10) An assignment statement which looks like a comparison.
一个 赋值语句 看起来像 比较语句。
(11) System.exit() in try-catch-finally blocks. (finally 不会执行)
在try-catch-final块中的退出语句。 (finally不会执行)
(12) Order of try-catch-finally blocks matters. (若顺序错的话: error: No try
before catch)
(13) main() can be declared final. (OK)
main()方法 可以声明为 final.
(14) -0.0 == 0.0 is true.
(15) A class without abstract methods can still be declared abstract
没有 抽象方法的类,仍然可以定义为抽象类。
(16) RandomAccessFile descends from Object and implements DataInput and Data
RandomAccessFile 类继承Object,并且实现了DataInput和DataOutput接口。
(17) Map does not implement Collection.
Map 并不实现 Collection.
(18) Dictionary is a class, not an interface.
Dictionary 是一个类,不是接口。
(19) Collection is an Interface where as Collections is a helper class. (这题
Collection是一个接口,但 Collections却是一个辅助类。
(20) Class declarations can come in any order.
(也就是说: class Child extends Parents{}
class Parents{}
(21) Forward references to variables gives compiler error.
把 reference 给 变量,会产生编译错误。 (请提意见)
(22) Multi dimensional arrays can be sparce.
(这句话是说: 多维数组中子数组不一定必须有一定个数的元素,比如我们把一个二维数
(23) Arrays, whether local or class-level, are always initialized.
(24) Strings are initialized to null, not empty string.
String 是被初始化为 null,不是空字符。
(25) An empty string is NOT the same as a null string.
一个空字符串 不是 一个null字符。
(26) A declaration cannot be labelled.
(27) "continue" must be in a loop(for, do, while). It cannot appear in case

(28) Primitive array types can never be assigned to each other, eventhough t
he primitives themselves can be assigned.
(也就是说: ArrayofLongPrimitives = ArrayofIntegerPrimitives 会编译出错,但
longvar = intvar 是合法的)
(29) A constructor can throw any exception.
(30) Initilializer blocks are executed in the order of declaration.
(31) Instance initializer(s) gets executed ONLY IF the objects are construct
(32) All comparisons involving NaN and a non-Nan would always result false.
所有关于 NaN(Not a Number) 和 non-NaN 的比较,都返回false.
(33) Default type of a numeric literal with a decimal point is double.
成员变量类型 取值
byte 0
short 0
int 0
long 0L
char '\u0000'
float 0.0F
double 0.0D
boolean false
所有引用类型 null
(34) integer (and long ) operations / and % can throw ArithmeticException wh
ile float / and % will never, even in case of division by zero.
integer和long 操作 /和% 的话, 会抛出ArithmeticException,但是 float形不
(35) == gives compiler error if the operands are cast-incompatible.
==会产生编译错误,如果两边 不兼容的话。
(36) You can never cast objects of sibling classes( sharing the same parent
), even with an explicit cast.
你永远不可能 转化具有同一个超类的类的对象,即使是刻意转化。class A
class sonA extends A

class daughterA extens A
sonA 和 daughterA 之间不能相互转化。
即:sonA son = (sonA) daughterA();是非法的。
而:sonA son = (sonA) A();A father = (A) sonA();是合法的。
(37) .equals returns false if the object types are different.It does not rai
se a compiler error.
equals() 返回 false 如果对象类型不同,但不产生 编译错误。
(38) No inner class can have a static member.(but static inner class can)
没有内部类 可以拥有 静态成员。(但静态内部类可以)
(39) File class has NO methods to deal with the contents of the file.(also t
he existing directory)
File类没有 任何 处理文件内容的方法。(当然,存在的目录也一样)
(40) InputStream and OutputStream are abstract classes, while DataInput and
DataOutput are interfaces.
InputStream 和 OutputStream 是 抽象类,但是 DataInput 和 DataOutput是 接

floater edited on 2003-07-23 02:38

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
4271 [精华] SCJP考题中的陷阱 nerd 5262 2003-05-17 21:07
3189 Re:SCJP考题中的陷阱 richzh 6 2003-06-03 20:48
3104 Re:SCJP考题中的陷阱 yamakasy 9 2003-06-03 22:20
3230 Re:SCJP考题中的陷阱 nerd 24 2003-06-05 02:58
3275 Re:SCJP考题中的陷阱 小新 10 2003-06-13 14:41

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