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作者 Re:明天考试啦。。。help [Re:ggloverv]


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于 2008-07-11 20:27 user profilesend a private message to usersend email to JiafanZhousearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Insertion Sort Array.

* This is the array related package.
package array;

import exception.ArrayException;

* Demonstrates the insertion sort array.
* @author Jiafan Zhou
public class InsertionSortArray
private long[] array;
private int nElements;

* Constructor of this Selection Sort Array application.
* @param max the max items in this array.
public InsertionSortArray(int max)
array = new long[max];
nElements = 0;

* Insert the value into the array.
* @param value the inserted value
* @exception ArrayException when array is full in size
public void insert(long value) throws ArrayException
if (dataSize() == arraySize())
throw new ArrayException("This array is full in size.");
array[nElements++] = value;

* This is a linear search.
* Try to find the specified value in this array.
* @param searchKey search value
* @return true if found, false otherwise
public boolean find(long searchKey)
for (int i = 0; i < nElements; i++)
if (array[i] == searchKey)
return true;
return false;

* Try to delete the specified value in this array.
* If the value is deleted successfully, the old value
* will be replaced as a 0.
* @param value the value to be deleted
* @return true if deleted sucessfully, false otherwise.
public boolean delete(long value)
for (int i = 0; i < nElements; i++)
if (array[i] == value)
for (int j = i; j < nElements - 1; j++)
array[j] = array[j + 1];
array[nElements - 1] = 0;
return true;
return false;

* Return the size of this array.
* @return the size of this fixed array.
public int arraySize()
return array.length;

* Return the elements this array contained.
* @return the elements of this array contained.
public int dataSize()
return nElements;

* Clear all the elements in this array.
public void clear()
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
array[i] = 0;

* Displays array contents.
* @return displays array contents
public String toString()
String string = "";
for (long i : array)
string += (i + " ");
return string;

* This is an insertion sort(ascending).
public void ascendingSort()
// marker is the *array index* where left is all sorted
// and right is all non-sorted elements.
for (int marker = 1; marker < nElements; marker++)
long temp = array[marker];
// insert the marker into the left sorted elements
int insert;
for (insert = marker; insert > 0; insert--)
if (array[insert - 1] > temp)
array[insert] = array[insert - 1];
array[insert] = temp;

* This is an insertion sort(descending).
public void descendingSort()
// marker is the *array index* where left is all sorted
// and right is all non-sorted elements.
for (int marker = 1; marker < nElements; marker++)
long temp = array[marker];
// insert the marker into the left sorted elements
int insert;
for (insert = marker; insert > 0; insert--)
if (array[insert - 1] < temp)
array[insert] = array[insert - 1];
array[insert] = temp;


When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realized that The Lord doesn't work that way, so I stole one and asked him to forgive me.

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
12532 明天考试啦。。。help ggloverv 65 2008-07-09 22:34
9521 Re:明天考试啦。。。help weiyidexuan 936 2008-07-11 01:30
9112 Re:明天考试啦。。。help JiafanZhou 4637 2008-07-11 20:27
9084 Re:明天考试啦。。。help JiafanZhou 5697 2008-07-11 20:28
9199 Re:明天考试啦。。。help JiafanZhou 4261 2008-07-11 20:29
9258 Re:明天考试啦。。。help Miragi_Song 123 2008-07-12 02:38
9487 Re:明天考试啦。。。help JiafanZhou 383 2008-07-15 16:19
9473 Re:明天考试啦。。。help ggloverv 762 2008-07-12 15:18
9403 Re:明天考试啦。。。help wusky 0 2008-07-14 02:05

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