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作者 Re:请教:怎样理解“函数的重载”? [Re:WWWLS]


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积分: 132
于 2005-10-02 21:52 user profilesend a private message to usersearch all posts byselect and copy to clipboard. 
ie only, sorry for netscape users:-)add this post to my favorite list
Name overloading is actually supported in the computer sciences from the very beginning, and in all programming languages.

The plus (+) operator is overloaded long before even OO concepts came into play in computer sciences. It is in Fortran (the first high level computer language) for sure.

int + int: this plus(+) is passed by 2 ints as parameters.
double + double: this plus(+) is passed by 2 doubles as parameters.


All natural languages are overloaded long before computer even invented.

In Chinese:

Chineses word 运动 is overloaded in these 2 sentences, they actually mean different things. We distingush them by context (上下文)。

Compiler is not that smart as we do. Compiler distinguishes overloaded methods by signature!!!

gongshi edited on 2005-10-02 22:00

人气 标题 作者 字数 发贴时间
9762 请教:怎样理解“函数的重载”? WWWLS 996 2005-10-02 18:15
7496 Re:请教:怎样理解“函数的重载”? bluecrystal 1376 2005-10-02 20:50
8059 Re:请教:怎样理解“函数的重载”? ranchgirl 794 2005-10-02 21:52
7448 Re:请教:怎样理解“函数的重载”? ranchgirl 134 2005-10-02 22:03
8421 Re:请教:怎样理解“函数的重载”? bluecrystal 2554 2005-10-02 22:31

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