Topic: 开源连接池 proxool 老问题,一直不能彻底解决,艾,大家有其他好的解决方案吗?

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1.开源连接池 proxool 老问题,一直不能彻底解决,艾,大家有其他好的解决方案吗? Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ybbkd2
Posted on: 2005-09-08 17:07

使用开源连接池组件 proxool 0.8.3 出现的问题是 最大活动时间超时 的连接不能自动 kill ,时间一长占用资源太多,tomcat 无响应了
请各位大虾 帮忙!!!


> btcn -> jdbc:oracle:thin:@

Defintition for btcn URL jdbc:oracle:thin:@
Driver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Connections 0 (min), 500 (max)
Prototyping off

Connection Lifetime 00:10:00
Maximum active time 00:05:00

House keeping sleep time 30s
House keeping test SQL select sysdate from dual
Fatal SQL exceptions off
Wrapper off
Statistics off

Snapshot at 16:42:59 Start date 08-??-2005 14:52:49
Connections 14 (active), 1 (available), 500 (max)

Served 650
Refused 0


# born last start lap(ms) thread

70 16:42:40 16:42:40 2141 Thread-20
69 16:42:40 16:42:52 6969 Thread-30
68 16:42:17 16:42:17 42533 Thread-46
67 16:42:17 16:42:17 42595 Thread-46
66 16:37:31 16:41:25 93815 Thread-42
65 16:37:26 16:37:26 333009 Thread-30
64 16:37:26 16:37:26 333056 Thread-30
63 16:37:26 16:42:16 42673 Thread-46
62 16:37:12 16:37:12 347165 Thread-45
61 16:33:53 16:33:53 546139 Thread-44
60 16:33:53 16:33:53 546202 Thread-44
59 16:29:49 16:37:01 358478 Thread-27
58 16:29:49 16:33:23 576015 Thread-39
57 16:27:48 16:35:06 473450 Thread-31
53 16:23:13 16:32:18 640812 Thread-14

less information

Proxool 0.8.3 (14-Dec-2003 16:06)

我的环境 : WinXP + oracle 9i + tomcat 4.131 + proxool 0.8.3

2.Re:开源连接池 proxool 老问题,一直不能彻底解决,艾,大家有其他好的解决方案吗? [Re: ybbkd2] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: youlq
Posted on: 2005-09-09 10:44


c3p0 - JDBC3 Connection and Statement Pooling

c3p0 is an easy-to-use library for augmenting traditional (DriverManager-based) JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources, including DataSources that implement Connection and Statement Pooling, as described by the jdbc3 spec and jdbc2 std extension

3.Re:开源连接池 proxool 老问题,一直不能彻底解决,艾,大家有其他好的解决方案吗? [Re: youlq] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ybbkd2
Posted on: 2005-09-14 13:29

youlq wrote:

c3p0 - JDBC3 Connection and Statement Pooling

c3p0 is an easy-to-use library for augmenting traditional (DriverManager-based) JDBC drivers with JNDI-bindable DataSources, including DataSources that implement Connection and Statement Pooling, as described by the jdbc3 spec and jdbc2 std extension

这个不错,我用 proxool 也实现一个 Statement 池,在关闭连接的时候顺便把从这个连接中生成的 Statement 全部关闭,可是还没解决问题。
看了一下 c3p0 又碰到几个小问题:
我想让 c3p0 使用 xml 配置文件 如何做?文档里好像没有介绍呀
如何配置使用 两个连接池 ?

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