Topic: 这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!!

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1.这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 肩膀上的阳光
Posted on: 2006-08-10 12:06


2.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2006-08-10 20:47


3.Re: [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: jsmile
Posted on: 2006-08-11 05:11


4.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gaoxt1983
Posted on: 2006-08-13 17:43


5.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 阿熊
Posted on: 2006-08-13 20:33


6.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2006-08-14 02:58

I have suggestions to "想办法增加cjsdn的人气和技术含量", for your reference.

1) All members of the forum " 版主区 " including 版主, 元老, 高级会员. must at least answer 1 question/week. If no post in continuous 2 calendar weeks, 扣 1 分 automatically. Of course, the forum must add this functionality first. The forum software can calculate at the end of every half month.

2) All members of the forum " 会员区 " except 版主, 元老, 高级会员 who have access to " 版主区 ". must at least answer 1 question/week. If no post in continuous 4 weeks, 扣 1 分 automatically. Of course, the forum must add this functionality first. The forum software can calculate at the end of every month.

3) You can add more…

Copied from my post quite a while ago in 版主区...

Thanks for your support!

7.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: scottding
Posted on: 2006-08-14 12:53

同意ranchgirl 的提议,

8.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: nothing
Posted on: 2006-08-14 18:02


9.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: ranchgirl
Posted on: 2006-08-15 07:05

Once or twice a month to help Java beginners is really not a big burdon to any 会员, 版主, 元老, 高级会员.

However, all added together would be big manpower to help CJSDN to grow...

To staled inactive members, they will gradually lose their member status, that would not be a bad thing to CJSDN.

Active member will notice the policy change and adjust themselvs a little bit without problems. CJSDN will become a more friendly place for Java Beginners.

I think it is a win-win strategy...

Thanks all for your support! Smile

10.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: newbiemen
Posted on: 2006-08-15 12:33

我想可能更多的CJSDNER( 版主, 元老, 高级会员...),经过几年的光阴,大多已经不再做纯技术的工作,比如更多的人已久走上了更高的管理岗位,所以,自然回复得就少了...


11.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: gaoxt1983
Posted on: 2006-08-17 11:21


12.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: film2000
Posted on: 2006-08-24 14:54


13.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: gaoxt1983] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: why
Posted on: 2006-08-24 17:53

gaoxt1983 wrote:

可是看見不負責任 一塌糊塗的就想吐

14.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: 肩膀上的阳光
Posted on: 2006-09-07 11:21

The member who asks a question specify a score (min:10 max:100).
The members who answer the question will share the score that the asker gives to them.
And the members' s class will grow step by step following the score he gets.

This is my simple opinion, but u may think more about that....

15.Re:这么好的一个论坛人气不行啊,班竹们要想想办法呀!!! [Re: 肩膀上的阳光] Copy to clipboard
Posted by: bingbing
Posted on: 2006-09-12 11:27


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