Topic: [FAQ小组]arch:Struts FAQ 系列之7月4日

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1.[FAQ小组]arch:Struts FAQ 系列之7月4日 Copy to clipboard
Posted by: haibo
Posted on: 2003-07-04 12:38

我有一个应用程序用了30个表单,用的是动态formbean.这30个表单用一个Action来处理,我是否 必须指定相对应的30个ActionMapping(译者注:就是action)在Struts的配置文件中?我应该怎样来处理?

如果你使用的是动态formbean,那么你一定想用到struts validator.你可以为每个验证实例创建一个 validator form.(译者注:即创建一个动态formbean包含30个表单的所有子段)然后设置action 的attribute属性为这个formbean对应表单的名称。这样,所有的action对应一个formbean(但是验证时是验证不同的属性集合)(译者注:即对应30表单有30个不同名称的action,在validation.xml中依据action名称来查找所需的验证,你所采用的动态bean要为DynaValidatorActionForm类型).DynaActionForm可包含不必要的字段,这样没有害处。
如果你采用的是普通formbean,那么你也可创建一个base formbean包含所有的属性,然后按照相应的验证需求继承出每一个子类,在这些子类中overwrite validator()方法实现所需的验证逻辑。
Ted Husted,(译者注:<<struts in action>>一书作者)


I have an application which has around 30 forms.We are using dyna action forms. I have one action which has to be called from all these 30 forms. So do I need to have to need 30 mappings in the config file for each form? How will I handle that.. Thanks for the help, Manoj.

Answer :

It mainly depends on the validation needs. In practice, you do need an action-mapping each distinct validation that Struts must handle itself. Each of these action-mappings then need either a ActionForm or a Validator form to provide the validation behavior. if you are using DynaActionForms, then you probably want to use the Struts Validator. You can create a Validator form for each validation instance. Then set the attribute property of the ActionMapping to match the Validator form name. The action-mapping can then all share the same form-bean (but validate a different set of properties). The DyanActionForm may define properties that some of the forms don't use, but that does no harm. (See also "Coarse-grained ActionForms").

If you were using conventional ActinForms, then you could create a base ActionForm with all the properties that your forms needed, and then a subclass for each validation. Then, instead of creating Validator forms you could create a form-bean for each validation instance.

HTH, Ted

Ted Husted,

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