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8103 new window what is the meaning of "Minimize database roundtrips"   TopCool 3 0 2003-12-16 11:32 by dorrenchen
7981 new window "holy grail" ?   zerol 3 0 2003-12-13 00:13 by floater
7749 new window How to understand "one-of-a "?   zerol 3 0 2003-12-13 00:08 by floater
9014 new window what does "lion's share mean"?   zerol 5 0 2003-12-12 22:38 by mxiong
10960 new window [help] What's the meaning of "be keyed to"?   zerol 5 0 2003-12-12 16:24 by javaxml1
8104 new window [help]waht's the meaning of " give all their due "?   zerol 3 0 2003-12-12 12:50 by zerol
7623 new window What's the last sentence meaning? especially "light-year"   zerol 3 0 2003-12-12 12:42 by zerol
7584 new window [help] "For shizzle my nizzle !"?   zerol 2 0 2003-12-12 12:18 by dorrenchen
6880 new window What the implied meaning of "black magic" in this sentence?   zerol 2 0 2003-12-12 11:34 by dorrenchen
6130 new window what does "to no end "mean?   zerol 2 0 2003-12-12 11:08 by dorrenchen
10789 new window 一难理解的句子,达人帮忙!   wood 10 0 2003-12-11 17:21 by Ellette
7697 new window "JDO is not snake oil " 怎么翻译?   zerol 3 0 2003-12-05 12:03 by TopCool
7402 new window [help] help to understand the sentence in blue, PLZ   zerol 3 0 2003-12-04 15:29 by zerol
7521 new window 帮我理解第一段话!(about UNIX User Manegement)   zerol 3 0 2003-12-03 13:26 by wood
7122 new window [help]"cross-boundaries"   zerol 3 0 2003-12-02 00:09 by cyman20
7185 new window [help]Like a close-mouthed police informant   zerol 3 0 2003-12-01 23:33 by zerol
7526 new window Who can translate "point release" to chinese   cyman20 3 0 2003-11-29 22:24 by cyman20
8442 new window Sentence in blue , Help me to understand .   zerol 5 0 2003-11-29 19:13 by tom1973
7410 new window IBM and BEA Partners in Crime, Announcing Joint Specifications   zerol 3 0 2003-11-27 09:53 by zerol
11079 new window How to pronounce "Xerces"?   zerol 8 0 2003-11-26 13:04 by Kacimodo
7012 new window [翻译问题]Gates: Blazing the Longhorn Trail   zerol 3 0 2003-11-26 11:48 by dorrenchen
8254 new window 输入法用英语怎么说?是IME么?   hitdemo2002 3 0 2003-11-26 10:53 by Janas
7208 new window 经常看到有些书出现“Booch”这个词   mochow 3 0 2003-11-25 09:04 by mochow
7960 new window "IBM buys Java IP from Sun, Bill Gates has a hart attack"   zerol 4 0 2003-11-25 01:11 by dorrenchen
7062 new window what does "quo" mean?   zerol 3 0 2003-11-25 00:55 by dorrenchen
10084 new window CMT 是什么意思?   zerol 2 0 2003-11-24 23:49 by dorrenchen
7136 new window "Corse-grained EJB remote interfaces" 怎么翻译   zerol 2 0 2003-11-24 23:45 by dorrenchen
10470 new window coarse-gained和fine-gained怎样翻译才好??   whisperwind 3 0 2003-11-24 21:17 by whisperwind
19384 new window stub,skeleton中文怎样翻译才比较合理一点...   momocha 12 0 2003-11-24 19:30 by zerol
20542 new window 王海磊和你侃英语(Dillone和他的朋友们)   Dillone 22 0 2003-11-23 17:51 by whisperwind
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