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7802 new window 怎么理解最后一句,客户为什么相信BEA?   zerol 3 0 2004-01-12 12:23 by hyena
6905 new window What does "ceded thought leadership " mean?   zerol 2 0 2004-01-12 12:14 by hyena
8092 new window What does the idiom "toe-to-toe" mean?   zerol 3 0 2004-01-12 12:11 by hyena
7860 new window 有谁能帮忙翻译后一句?   zerol 3 0 2004-01-09 13:25 by xxmouse
7932 new window syntactic sugar 是不是贬义的?   zerol 3 0 2004-01-05 17:00 by javaxml1
7135 new window [help] "have their cake and eat it too" ?   zerol 2 0 2004-01-05 05:07 by dorrenchen
7220 new window [help] ol' red tape 代表什么意思?   zerol 2 0 2004-01-05 05:02 by dorrenchen
6933 new window 请问aimed squarely 是什么意思?   zerol 2 0 2004-01-05 04:57 by dorrenchen
7254 new window 有谁能帮忙翻译最后一句?   zerol 2 0 2004-01-05 04:55 by dorrenchen
7432 new window 请问怎么理解as a wildcard?   zerol 3 0 2004-01-05 04:39 by dorrenchen
6493 new window 请问第一句话怎么理解?特别是 fuss 这个词   zerol 2 0 2004-01-05 04:24 by dorrenchen
6058 new window what is the meaning of back end?   TopCool 2 0 2003-12-31 13:05 by dorrenchen
6591 new window How to understand "Trimmed down"   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-30 23:00 by dorrenchen
6146 new window [hlep] How to translate last sentence , especially "in sense of"   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-30 22:59 by dorrenchen
6467 new window [help] How to understand "Dual both"?   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-30 22:52 by dorrenchen
6445 new window "pesky backend"   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-24 07:10 by dorrenchen
6344 new window What can "missing the boat" mean ?   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-24 06:56 by dorrenchen
6455 new window [求助]amount to 和 Hats off   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-24 01:05 by dorrenchen
9786 new window 请问 legacy systems 的确切含义是什么?   Kaninchen 4 0 2003-12-23 14:50 by floater
6879 new window [help] Support from IBM is what helped "tip the scales" for Linux   zerol 2 0 2003-12-23 07:14 by dorrenchen
6958 new window [help] Schwartz criticized Microsoft for contending Sun forced its hand.   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-23 06:57 by dorrenchen
7042 new window [help] tar Sun with the usual brushes.   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-23 06:44 by dorrenchen
7286 new window [help] It's a virtuous circle that borrows heavily from the Microsoft playbook.   Kaninchen 2 0 2003-12-23 06:32 by dorrenchen
6172 new window 博士考试   honghongtongji 2 0 2003-12-23 05:57 by dorrenchen
10923 new window "where the rubber meets the road"?   zerol 7 0 2003-12-20 00:23 by why
10092 new window [hlep]"There are more than one way to skin a cat"   zerol 7 0 2003-12-18 20:47 by toString
10675 new window [help] 帮忙翻译一段话!(关于 Lotus Notes 的)   zerol 8 0 2003-12-17 10:17 by wood
7894 new window [help]what does "get the hang of " mean?   zerol 3 0 2003-12-16 13:58 by zerol
12471 new window [zt]论汉语的险境和诡谬   zerol 11 0 2003-12-16 13:32 by jameszhang
6609 new window 请问怎么理解 "even handed"?   zerol 2 0 2003-12-16 11:46 by dorrenchen
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