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7706 new window jive_forums_i18n的翻译问题?   defaults 2 0 2003-11-22 19:22 by guru
7385 new window 哪位帮我翻译这段话   wwlou 3 0 2003-11-22 19:13 by guru
9009 new window What does "take a yard of shelf space" mean?   zerol 4 0 2003-11-22 19:04 by guru
7701 new window 学英文的好站   zerol 1 0 2003-11-16 13:09 by zerol
9121 new window make some of the eager and some lazy   zerol 4 0 2003-11-14 13:20 by dorrenchen
9065 new window for icing on the cake - what does this phrase mean?   zerol 4 0 2003-11-14 13:10 by dorrenchen
9269 new window ahead of the curve on 5 our of 6 categories   zerol 5 0 2003-11-14 13:03 by dorrenchen
10405 new window 谁能提供Effective Java的中文版下载吗?   Alex 6 0 2003-11-14 11:52 by dorrenchen
8368 new window ask some phrases   TopCool 4 0 2003-11-13 11:40 by why
9942 new window How to say "乱码" in English?   zerol 5 0 2003-11-13 01:43 by dorrenchen
8833 new window SUN小型机E文怎么说?   mefaint 5 0 2003-11-12 20:22 by mefaint
8200 new window people in the know   TopCool 3 0 2003-11-12 09:18 by TopCool
7235 new window ask: the meaning of jute   TopCool 3 0 2003-11-11 07:06 by epubis
16094 new window 在Applying UML and Patterns in OOA/D中经常出现Stakeholders这个词   mochow 12 0 2003-11-11 00:21 by dorrenchen
8254 new window you are welcome   TopCool 3 0 2003-11-11 00:00 by nothing
12665 new window 这里的scratch怎么翻译?   struggle 4 0 2003-11-09 17:48 by zerol
11622 new window ask some words [A片, head off, dining commons]   TopCool 7 0 2003-11-09 17:47 by zerol
6531 new window K ][ N G of A R K 关于英语及外语学习的50个观点   kingofark 2 0 2003-11-09 17:42 by zerol
9517 new window 请问why,floater两位海外高人的单词量超过2万吧?   yuhuang 7 0 2003-11-09 17:41 by zerol
7726 new window 请教以下两句是什么意思?   pentium100 3 0 2003-11-07 09:15 by pentium100
7834 new window translation   TopCool 5 0 2003-10-31 12:53 by why
9589 new window Stakeholder definition   dorrenchen 1 0 2003-10-30 23:50 by dorrenchen
6274 new window 哪有刚考的GRE国内笔试题?   TopCool 2 0 2003-10-30 23:15 by dorrenchen
6372 new window ask: what is mozilla   TopCool 2 0 2003-10-21 16:36 by yiw16
6589 new window A new word to learn: Taikonaut   flyingbunny 2 0 2003-10-16 00:18 by floater
11805 new window 每日一句,轻轻松松学英语   jennyeh 11 0 2003-10-08 11:28 by NoLimited
9340 new window 哪里有《走遍美国》2-1.rm?   mm 6 0 2003-10-08 11:27 by NoLimited
7051 new window wiki   yamakasy 3 0 2003-10-06 17:33 by drum
5975 new window 我撰写的英语学习的心得,改名为“王海磊和你侃英语”   Dillone 1 0 2003-09-19 10:17 by Dillone
7384 new window What is "aka" and "IMOH"?   Julian13 3 0 2003-09-17 15:38 by Julian13
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