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6735 new window 是否有关于kxml的运用资料。 rhettbutler79 61 2004-05-26 22:02
5656 new window Re:是否有关于kxml的运用资料。 shiyonggang 11 2004-08-06 09:30
10488 new window 十万火急!!如何用KJAVA手机+红外连接器访问PC机的http://localhost:8080/ Lenney 121 2004-05-14 15:25
8705 new window Re:十万火急!!如何用KJAVA手机+红外连接器访问PC机的http://localhost:8080/ shiyunzheng 56 2004-05-31 10:16
8936 new window Re:十万火急!!如何用KJAVA手机+红外连接器访问PC机的http://localhost:8080/ iceishot 47 2004-07-28 10:17
8425 new window Re:十万火急!!如何用KJAVA手机+红外连接器访问PC机的http://localhost:8080/ youngplayer 38 2004-07-28 16:52
8255 new window Re:十万火急!!如何用KJAVA手机+红外连接器访问PC机的http://localhost:8080/ 你要飞 40 2004-08-04 20:38
9187 new window Re:十万火急!!如何用KJAVA手机+红外连接器访问PC机的http://localhost:8080/ enhydra 28 2004-08-06 09:03
7761 new window 如何在手机中导入根证书并使能信任? 大雁507 223 2004-08-04 22:52
6822 new window Re:如何在手机中导入根证书并使能信任? shiyonggang 9 2004-08-06 08:10
6678 new window 求助:J2ME实现文件操作 和邮件发送功能 quan 119 2004-08-05 17:42
7689 new window resin、Tomcat、jboss 为web服务器的聊天室,理论上可支持多少人同时在线? bibiye 223 2004-08-02 09:43
6735 new window Re:resin、Tomcat、jboss 为web服务器的聊天室,理论上可支持多少人同时在线? hwx 15 2004-08-04 19:07
8215 new window 请教读取文本文件的问题 qixdu 768 2004-07-31 13:12
6846 new window Re:请教读取文本文件的问题 dx 86 2004-08-01 18:34
7812 new window J2ME Polish bluntsword 262 2004-07-30 09:14
6842 new window Re:J2ME Polish qixdu 13 2004-07-31 13:10
10600 new window personal java 和j2me 的区别是什么? Jakie 3 2004-06-23 09:29
8774 new window Re:personal java 和j2me 的区别是什么? Jakie 21 2004-06-24 14:39
9369 new window Re:personal java 和j2me 的区别是什么? dx 120 2004-06-25 00:10
8479 new window Re:personal java 和j2me 的区别是什么? qixdu 40 2004-07-27 09:52
8439 new window Re:personal java 和j2me 的区别是什么? youngplayer 20 2004-07-28 16:55
9762 new window Re:personal java 和j2me 的区别是什么? returner 36 2004-07-29 16:36
6489 new window porting KVMto problem. beyounger 112 2004-07-21 17:58
6157 new window 有没有飞利浦855的模拟器? mecca 2 2004-07-19 13:43
7132 new window 问个弱问题,别拍我~~ weiyonggang 77 2004-06-09 05:08
5581 new window Re:问个弱问题,别拍我~~ yj780210 47 2004-06-10 09:04
6534 new window Re:问个弱问题,别拍我~~ Scotty 49 2004-07-16 05:33
6290 new window Is J2ME/MIDP2.0 support broadcast? gavinage 177 2004-07-01 17:44
6015 new window 帮助!关于j2me开发web service方面的问题 wanghaiyan394 127 2004-06-24 11:13
6662 new window 支持JAVA手机系列之索爱K700 javaspirit 1826 2004-06-23 10:13
5982 new window 编译一个手机短信的文件,找不到javax.wireless weiyonggang 14 2004-06-19 21:17
6376 new window 请教 weiyonggang 97 2004-06-18 21:25
6629 new window Sun Certified Mobile Application Developer for the Java 2 Platform, Micro Editio zyin006 54 2004-04-23 12:06
5713 new window Re mikewee 17 2004-06-07 10:11
8946 new window 关于J2ME移植到PDA上的问题 xuanfengzi 81 2004-04-16 20:28
6997 new window Re:关于J2ME移植到PDA上的问题 zhanglixy 43 2004-05-03 14:24
7645 new window Re:关于J2ME移植到PDA上的问题 gispda 64 2004-05-05 18:36
7807 new window Re:关于J2ME移植到PDA上的问题 dx 162 2004-06-07 00:07
9491 new window 向前辈们请教~ Dracula 130 2004-05-23 17:52
7626 new window Re:向前辈们请教~ bluntsword 10 2004-05-24 11:50
7586 new window Re:向前辈们请教~ Dracula 38 2004-05-24 12:30
7511 new window Re:向前辈们请教~ rhettbutler79 33 2004-05-26 21:27
7766 new window Re:向前辈们请教~ yyfr 90 2004-06-01 14:02
7469 new window Re:向前辈们请教~ Dracula 8 2004-05-27 16:25
8851 new window Re:向前辈们请教~ ouxingning 9 2004-06-05 21:01
7310 new window 如何从串口中读取数据? ouxingning 138 2004-06-01 10:59
7686 new window 请问如何在midlet间切换 clinker 99 2004-03-18 12:22
5585 new window 这样试试 didi0905 48 2004-04-19 17:56
6901 new window Re:请问如何在midlet间切换 xxrong 42 2004-05-30 18:44
13337 new window EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released bluntsword 60 2004-03-21 09:13
11332 new window Re:EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released javaspirit 67 2004-03-22 17:27
11395 new window Re:EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released bluntsword 14 2004-03-22 19:36
11267 new window Re:EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released yuan 9 2004-03-24 12:14
11287 new window Re:EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released bluntsword 10 2004-03-24 16:26
11223 new window Re:EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released rostone 22 2004-03-29 09:16
11244 new window Re:EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released joyhope 14 2004-04-19 21:05
11881 new window Re:EclipseME (Eclipse J2ME Plugin) 0.2 released leonglkt 1373 2004-05-28 17:26
7190 new window 在J2ME平台上构建你的邮件程序 rostone 20 2004-05-21 22:58
6014 new window Re:在J2ME平台上构建你的邮件程序 leonglkt 52 2004-05-28 17:19
9862 new window 推荐几本关于J2ME方面的书 Aiolos 53 2004-03-16 11:01
8204 new window Re:推荐几本关于J2ME方面的书 rostone 20 2004-04-06 21:22
8210 new window Re:推荐几本关于J2ME方面的书 emarket 24 2004-04-06 21:39
8081 new window Re:推荐几本关于J2ME方面的书 dx 17 2004-04-19 00:01
7894 new window Re:推荐几本关于J2ME方面的书 nick4 30 2004-05-26 09:13
8997 new window Re:推荐几本关于J2ME方面的书 qingbo777 27 2004-05-27 18:29
15353 new window J2ME开发环境安装指南 xuxin119cn 7006 2004-02-29 04:41
12603 new window Re:J2ME开发环境安装指南 lovefox 23 2004-03-09 20:04
12547 new window Re:J2ME开发环境安装指南 Aiolos 11 2004-03-16 10:46
12444 new window Re:J2ME开发环境安装指南 zhanglixy 24 2004-04-26 18:34
11694 new window Re:J2ME开发环境安装指南 jsf008 6 2004-05-26 06:09
11754 new window Re:J2ME开发环境安装指南 rhettbutler79 98 2004-05-26 22:17
12602 new window Re:J2ME开发环境安装指南 kunxlin 16 2004-05-27 16:25
6152 new window 高薪诚邀 智能卡人才 in beijing Cindy 8730 2004-05-26 14:47
8713 new window 通过at指令怎样发送短信???? liuziy 63 2004-04-24 16:22
8074 new window Re:通过at指令怎样发送短信???? tiantao78 2293 2004-05-26 14:04
6366 new window 新手求教!帮我看看什么错误。 redarmy21cn 1152 2004-04-27 18:24
5473 new window Re:新手求教!帮我看看什么错误。 OJava 730 2004-05-09 13:19
9931 new window JAVA可不可以来做智能IC卡类的软件? Kaywa 17 2004-04-25 21:45
8366 new window Re:JAVA可不可以来做智能IC卡类的软件? stevendu 129 2004-04-26 08:17
8399 new window Re:JAVA可不可以来做智能IC卡类的软件? Kaywa 59 2004-04-26 22:05
9091 new window Re:JAVA可不可以来做智能IC卡类的软件? OJava 97 2004-05-09 13:12
8122 new window [转贴]J2ME之中文处理 4bug 5414 2004-05-09 01:30
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